SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That Section 12 of the Public
Local Laws of the State of Maryland, entitled an Act to in-
corporate the town of Brentwood. Maryland, approved April
13, 1922, providing for the enactment of ordinances for the
good government and improvement of the town be and the-
same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, so
as to read as follows:
12. And be it further enacted. That the Mayor and Town
Council shall have full power to pass such ordinances as they
may deem necessary for the good government, health and im-
provement of the town, and for the preservation of peace and
good order therein. They may provide by ordinance for the
opening and closing of streets, alleys, the straightening, widen-
ing and improvement of same, for the establishment of width
and care of sidewalks and the construction of the same, and
the power of condemnation may be exercised when necessary
to take private property for public use upon the payment of
just compensation. The powers and duties of the Mayor and
Common Council with respect to condemnation proceedings
shall be co-extensive with the powers and duties of the County
Commissioners of Prince George's County.
The Mayor and Council may provide by ordinance for the
removal of nuisances, for the removal of obstructions from
streets, lanes and alleys; for prohibiting the carrying of con-
cealed weapons, for prohibiting or regulating the discharge
of firearms, firecrackers, torpedoes and other explosives; for
preventing swine, cattle, fowls, dogs or other animals from
running at large, and for licensing, taxing and regulating all
useful trades, occupations and businesses and all amusements
and theatrical exhibitions for the purpose of raising revenue
to meet current expenses of the town or in the interest of the
public welfare or the exercise of police powers; for the sup-
pression of gambling, vice and immorality; and apprehending
and punishing all tramps and vagrants; it may pass all ordi-
nances necessary from time to time to carry out and enforce
the foregoing provisions, and to give full force and effect to
the powers and authority conferred on said corporation, and
may enforce such ordinances by reasonable fines and penalties
as may appear to them right; it may recover said fine or pen-
ally by action of debt, and in addition thereto may imprison
the offender until the fine be paid, not exceeding thirty days,
imprisonment to be in the town lock-up, if one be provided,
or in the county jail, and the Sheriff of Prince George's County