by the Treasurer of Baltimore County and Collector of State
and county taxes for said county, or by his predecessor or pre-
decessors in office, for the enforcement of the payment of taxes
but all such proceedings already begun shall be continued,
prosecuted and concluded as if this act had not been passed.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts
of laws inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby re-
pealed to the extent of such inconsistency.
Approved April 9, 1924.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 179 of
Article 12 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland,
title "Garrett County, " sub-title "Oakland, " as the same was
amended by Chapter 123 of the Acts of 1896, exempting
certain unimproved property in said town from municipal
(Vetoed. )
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 4 of
Chapter 62 of the Acts of 1894, entitled "An Act to incorpo-
rate 'The Maryland State Firemen's Association, ' " increas-
ing in certain respects the powers of said corporation.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 4 of Chapter 62 of the Acts of 1894, enti-
tled "An Act to incorporate 'The Maryland State Firemen's
Association, ' " be and the same is hereby repealed and re-
enacted with amendments so as to read as follows:
4. The said corporation hereby formed shall have full
power to receive subscriptions, donations, devises, and bequests
of money, or real or personal property, in trust or otherwise,
and to purchase or otherwise acquire and hold such property,
to be applied by it to the objects of its incorporation, not to
exceed the sum of fifty thousand dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1924.
Approved April 9, 1924.