an amount, in such denomination or denominations, bearing
such interest and maturing at such date or dates as the County
Commissioners deem proper or by paying for the same out of
the funds of the County raised by the regular tax levy or by an
extra levy to be made by the County Commissioners for that
purpose or purposes or by a combination of any one or more or
of all of these methods, whichever with a due regard for the
sound financial condition of the County, seems to the County
Commissioners most proper. The County Commissioners be
and they are further authorized, empowered and directed to
pay out of the funds raised by the regular tax levy or by an
extra tax levy, to be made by the County Commissioners, for
that purpose or purposes, the interest and the principal on the
bonds aforesaid, if issued, and the costs of the maintenance of
the County Farm and County Home and of the support of the
inmates of the County Home.
41YY. That at the regular election in November, 1924, there
shall be submitted to the qualified voters of Garrett County,
the question whether or not the said County Farm shall be
bought and the said County Home established thereon, and at
such general election the ballots used and east upon the ques-
tion shall have printed or written thereon the words "For the
County Farm and County Home" and "Against the County
Farm and County Home" and if the majority of the votes cast
upon said question shall be "For the County Farm and County
Home, " then the County Commissioners of Garrett County
shall proceed to exercise the power vested in them by this Act
and shall buy the said County Farm and establish the said
County Home as herein provided; but if a majority of the
votes cast upon the said question shall be "Against the County
Farm and County Home, " the question whether or not the
said County Farm shall be bought and the said County Home
established shall again be submitted, at the general election in
November, 1926, to the qualified voters of Garrett County, and
at such general election the ballots used and cast shall have
printed or written thereon the words "For the County Farm
and County Home, " and "Against the County Farm and
Home, " and if the majority of the votes cast upon said ques-
tion shall be "For the County Farm and County Home" then
the County Commissioners for Garrett County shall proceed to
exercise the powers vested in them by this Act and shall buy
the said County Farm and establish the said County Home, as
herein provided; but if the majority of the votes cast upon
said question shall be "Against the County Farm and County