41-II. The Superintendent shall have charge and custody of
the lands, goods and chattels at the County Home and the
County Farm and of the inmates committed to the County Home
and he shall take care, manage and govern the same under the
supervision of and according to the rules and regulations laid
down by the County Commissioners.
41JJ. The Superintendent shall keep a complete set of ac-
count books for the County Home and County Farm, showing
receipts and expenditures, including receipts from the sale or
sales of the produce from the County Farm and from the labor
of the inmates of the County Home. He shall render the
County Commissioners a monthly statement under oath, to be
administered by one of the County Commissioners, showing the
receipts and expenditures for the past month with the vouchers
therefor, together with a statement of his requirements for the
coming month.
41KK. The County Commissioners shall also keep a com-
plete set of account books for the County Home and County
Farm. This set of books shall not only include items relating
to the maintenance of the County Home and County Farm but
also items relating to the original cost of the County Farm and
the erection of the County Home and out buildings, if it is
necessary to erect the same or any of them, and of the equip-
ment and other things placed on the Farm and in the Home.
41LL. The County Commissioners shall meet at the County
Home at least once in every three months. They shall use every
effort to make the cost of the purchase and maintenance of the
County Home and County Farm as economical as possible and
consistent with the proper care of the inmates. Especially
shall they use economical methods in the purchase of supplies
and materials. No County Commissioner shall sell supplies or
materials or be in any way interested in the sale of them to the
County Home or County Farm.
41MM. The County Commissioners shall be compensated for
their services and reimbursed for their expenses in connection
with the County Home and County Farm in the same manner
and at the same rate as for their services and expenses in con-
nection with other county matters.
41NN. The Superintendent shall keep a list of the inmates
committed to the County Home, showing their names, places of
birth, nationality, age at time of commitment, date of commit-