County Farm and make such rules and regulations for the
management and government of them and of the inmates of
the said County Home as they may think proper.
41EE. The County Commissioners shall, on their first meet-
ing day in the month of March next succeeding the going into
effect of this Act and at the first meeting in each succeeding
March, appoint some suitable person to be Superintendent of
the County Home, and the County Farm connected therewith,
for the year ensuing such appointment. The Superintendent
so appointed shall enter upon the discharge of his duties the
first day of April succeeding his appointment and shall hold
office for one year from that date or until his successor is ap-
pointed and has qualified. The County Commissioners shall
appoint such assistant or assistants to aid the Superintendent
and for such period or periods as they deem necessary for the
proper management and maintenance of the said County Home
and County Farm.
41FF. The County Commissioners shall have power to re-
move from office the Superintendent or any assistant whenever
in their judgment the interests of the County may require such
removal. In case of a removal from office, the County Com-
missioners shall appoint a successor to fill out the unexpired
term of the person removed.
41GG. The County Commissioners shall require the Super-
intendent, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, to
give a bond with security approved by them, payable to the
County Commissioners of Garrett County, in the penalty of
one thousand ($1, 000. ) dollars, conditioned as follows, to wit:
"The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above
bond, A B as Superintendent of the County Home and County
Farm in Garrett County, shall well and truly perform and dis-
charge his duties in said station, then the above obligation to be
void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in law. "
41HH. The said Superintendent shall receive such fair sal-
ary as to be agreed upon by the County Commissioners and the
Superintendent for services to be rendered by him and his fam-
ily per annum and so pro rata during his continuance in office.
This salary is to be exclusive of board and lodging for himself
and family. The assistant or assistants, if any are appointed,
shall receive such compensation as the County Commissioners
shall deem proper.