Prince George's County, and the same shall be determined by the
said Court.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That any party desiring
to run for said Town Commissioner or Treasurer of said town
shall be at least twenty-one years of age and shall own or be
purchasing real estate under contract and shall have resided
within the corporate limits of said town at least one year prior
to election, and any person desiring to run for said Town Com-
missioner or Treasurer of said town shall file with the Board of
Supervisors as provided for in Section 6 of this Act a petition
containing the names of at least five voters of the Town of
Boulevard Heights, within fifteen days previous to election;
when said petitions have been filed and the time for their filing
having expired, the Board of Election Supervisors shall cause
to be published in some manner as shall give general publicity,
the names of the petitioners who have filed their petitions in ac-
cordance with this Act, and the positions to which they aspire.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Town Commis-
sioners shall appoint a clerk to hold office for one year or until
their successors are appointed and qualified. The Commissioners
shall fix the compensation of each and of all subordinates under
them, and shall prescribe, their duties except as herein pro-
vided, but the salary of the clerk shall not exceed fifteen dollars
per year. The clerk shall keep the minutes of the proceedings
of the Town Commissioners in a well-bound book to be provided
by the Town Commissioners, which shall be open to inspection of
all persons interested therein. The Treasurer shall collect and
disburse all moneys belonging to the town and disburse the same
only in accordance with the ordinances and the orders of the
Town Commissioners. The Treasurer shall give bond to the
Town Commissioners in such penalties and with such surety
as the Town Commissioners may require.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the Town Commis-
sioners are hereby authorized to open and keep open and free
from obstruction, all streets and public reservations in said
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the Town Commis-
sioners shall have full power to pass such ordinances as they may
deem necessary for the good government, health and improve-
ment of the town, and for the preservation of peace and good
order therein. They shall have full power to impose such fines,
penalties and punishment for the breach of their ordinances as