Volume 567, Page 506 View pdf image (33K) |
June Court 1734 County on the third tuesday in August next and in the mean time he is to be of good Behaviour The Same John Jones is by this Court Ordered to be kept in Same Custody untill the fees afd Shall be Satisfied to John Gresham Gentl. Sherriff of Kent and thereupon is Com.td into his Custody Jam.s Smith Clk
parish in the County afd Spinster if She should be found in his bailiwick and her safe keep so that he have his body before the Justices of our next County Court to be held at our Court House in the Town of Chester in Said County on the third tuesday in June then next ensueing to Answer unto a Certain Indictment for Commiting fornication and being beget with a Child of a bastard Contrary &c.a and that the same Sherrif have at the said Court the said writ &c.a Att which Said Court to wit at Kent County at the Court House in the Town of Chester in Said County on the third Tuesday in June being the Eighteenth day of Said Month Anno Dom. One Thousand Seven hundred and thirty four being the day of Return of Said Writt Came John Gresham Gentl. Sherrif of Kent County and made Return to the Court here Thereof endorsed as foll. viz.t Cepi Corpus p Jn.o Gresham Sherf Kent County fs.t The Jurors for the Right Honrable the Lord prop.ry that now is for Kent County afd upon their Oath do present that Mary late of S.t pauls parish in the County afd Spinster the tenth day of June Anno Dom. Seventeen hundred thirty and three at the parish afd in the County afd within the Jurisdicion of this Court did Committ fornication with a person to the Jurors afd unknown and did permit the Same unknown person then and there to have Carnal knowledge of her body and to begett then and there a bastard Child on the body of her the same Mary to the high displeasure of Almighty God to the Evil Example of all others in Such case offending Contrary to the peace of the Said Lord |
Volume 567, Page 506 View pdf image (33K) |
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