Crookshanks John (C. & Green,) h 92 Barre
Cropard John, ship carpenter, 111 Bank
Cropp William, plasterer, 27 Pearl
Cropper John R., sign &, banner pain'r, 4 s Gay
Cropper &. Bro , gro. & com. mts., 92 Dugan's wf
Cropper John R., oyster saloon, 26 e Baltimore!
Cropper Reuben, laborer, 122 Cross
Cropper Z. H., grocer, 49 Exeter
Crosby Chester W., agent 1. M. Singer & Co.'s
sewing machines, of. 159 Balto., up stairs
Crosby Capt. Charles, 201 William
Crosby James, carpenter, 63 York
Crosby Joseph & Son, imp. fruit, 38 s Charles,
h J. C. 251 w Lombard
Crosby Thomas, shoemaker, 211 e Lombard
Crosberry Plattina, 293 Saratoga
Cross Rev. Andrew B., 26 e Lombard
Cross Adam, shoemaker, 244 Durham
Cross Andrew, 110 Hollins
Cross David W., carpenter, 25 Edward
Cross David, wheelwright, 100 Hillen, h 162
Cross Edward, rigger, 216 s Wolf
Cross George T., shoemaker, 98 Granby
Cross Mary, 14 Sharp
Cross Mary, 58 Harrison
Cross Michael, 73 n High
Cross Richard J., 77 n High
Cross Samuel B., coach maker, s Howard, h 139
Cross Trueman, cashier Com. and Farmers'
Bank, h 9 s Howard
Cross Philemon, carpenter, 236 n Canal
Cross Walter, cooper, 174 Forest, h 170
Cross Wm. D., painter, 96 Lancaster
Crote John, mt. tailor, 102 n Gay.
Always on hand a large assortment of
the latest style, on reasonable terms, CHEAP
FOR CASH. He requests his old friends and
the public to give him a call.
The best of LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS always
on hand. Clothing made to order at Short notice.
Crothers David, carpenter, 28 s Spring
Crothers John, carpenter, 100 n Greene
Crothers Robert, carpenter, 28 s Spring
Crouch Anthony, pedlar, 161 Hughes
Crouch Elizabeth, 1 St. Mary's court
Crouch Hugh B , boiler Mkr, 34 Williamson al
Crouch David, carpenter, 28 s Spring
Crouch David, carter, 128 Montgomery
Crouch Capt. George W., mariner, 252 s Chas,
Crouch John, boiler maker, 11 Henrietta
Crouch Julia Ann, 237 e Lombard
Crouch Stewart. clerk, 210 Barre
Crouch Thos. M., pr. butter dpt., 35 Ensor, h 89
Crouch ThoMs M., 75 Barre
Crouch Wm., blacksmith, 150 s Paca
84 CUL
Crout Hezekiah, tin worker, 87 Penna. av
Crow Ezekiel, of. Gas House, 52 Holland
Crow Jane, 57 s Paca
Crow John, laborer, 41 Slemmer alley
Crow Michael, porter, 26 Conway
Crow Nathaniel J., painter, 9 French
Crow Peter, barber, 48 President
Crow Sarah J., brdg house, North St., n of Eager
Crowder John, grocer, 86 Grundy st
Crowell Samuel, book-keeper, 646 Baltimore
Crowl Henry. 120 e Madison
Crowly Honord, gro. & liq. deal., 36 s Caroline
Crowley John, grocer, 8 s Dallas
Crowley Fredk., contractor, 138 Conway
Crowley John, labr., Chesapeake st., n of Elliott
Crowley James, bookseller, 302 n Gay
Crowley Peter, rigger, 259 s Dallas
CROWLEY WILLIAM S., bookseller, 146
Baltimore, h 51 n High
Crowlingr Frederick, cooper, 334 s Bond
Crown Matilda, 226 s Eutaw
Crowser James, butcher, next 36 Barre
Crownfield Mrs. A. J., 24 Camden
Crowser Joseph, 71 e Monument
Crowse Rinald, tailor, 172 Ensor
Crowther Amos W., machinist, 515 Lexington
Crowther John, Jr., jeweler. 188 Biddle
Croxall Robert, turner, 379 w Pratt
Croyeau Augustin, importer of French goods,
171 Baltimore
Croyt Brankret, laborer, Alice Anna st, Canton
Crozier Maria, 172 Pratt
Crozier Michael, cigar maker, 120 Granby
Crozier Charles, hatter, 198 Broadway
Crozier James, moulder, 46 McElderry
Crozier Thomas, bricklayer, 257 n Canal
Cruck Wm., carpenter. 222 w Lombard
Crullar John, brickmaker, 83 Chapel
Crumbacker Ephraim, officer Post O., h 323 w
Crummer Mrs., 126 e Madison
Crummer James, cigar maker, 68 s Howard
Crummer Nathan J., grocer, 74 Hillen
Crump (Henry) & Franklin, man. jewelers,
over 100 Baltimore
Crump Henry (C. & Franklin,) 132 n Exeter
Crunbourn Isaac, dry g, deal., 191 s Bond
Cruse Wm , machinist, 74 Boyd
Cruser Isaac, cabinet maker, 225 Hanover
Crusse John, tavern keep., Boston e of Leakin
Cruze Edward, machinist, 51 s Schroeder
Cryott Harman, laborer, 140 Columbia
Cssil Bartlemay, tailor, 201 s Bond
Cudley Albert, shoemaker, 150 n Exeter
Cuddy John, of railroad, h 5 Somerset
Cuffman John, 187 Vine
Cuff Pat, laborer. 28 President
Cugle John W , 110 n Eutaw
Cugin Pat., gro. and liq. deal., 161 n Front
Culbertson Cyrus D., (McCullogh & C.,) h 314
Cullen Isabella, 88 Durham
Cullen John, 54 Carp, al
Cullen Mary, cupper and leacher, 10 s Bond
Cullen Henry, laborer, 72 Durham
Cullen Michael, laborer, 1 Cambridge
Cullen Patrick, laborer, 11 Madison
Culler Wm., brickmaker, 124 Scott
Culley Langley B.. lumber inspector, 164 Mont'y
Culley Robert, ship carp., 98 William
Cullimore John, ship smith, Fell, h 75 Ann