Creighton Capt. Henry, 335 Light
Creighton Capt. John, 107 n Eden
Creighton Capt. Henry, mariner, 45 Warren
Creighton Capt. James, 39 Warren
Creighton Michael, tavern, 39 Centre market
Creighton Capt. Samuel, mariner, 358 Light
Cremen Ann, confectioner, 315 w Pratt
Cremen Mary, 140 Raborg
Cremar George, tailor, 83 Bethel
Cremer William, tavern keeper, 44 Camden
Crenven John, teacher, 24 n Poppleton
Crespin Peter, laborer, 85 Washington
Cresemire Philip, iron founder, Elliott st. Can.
Creque Ferdinand, shoemaker, 648 Light
Crew Richard, omnibus driver, 564 Saratoga
Crew Win., carpenter, 411 w Pratt
Crews Charles, plasterer, 182 n Canal
Crey Elizabeth Mary, 70 Buren
Crey Frederick, contractor, 7 Madison
Criager Peter, butcher, 704 w Pratt
Crighton Wm., (P. Malcom & Co.,) 37 n Calvert
Criger Anthony, porter, 43 Tessier
Crim Joseph, cabinet maker, 491 Saratoga
Crimmins Cornelius, 92 Harford av
Crimmins Timothy, teacher, 396 Lexington
Crimminger Joseph, mariner, 12 Shakespeare
Cripps John, brass moulder, 433 n Gay
Crisall George W., shoemaker, 272 s Charles
Crise David, clothier, Pratt, h 50 Hill
Crise John L., 228 w Madison
Crisman Francis, 33 Chatsworth
Crismer Joseph, 46 Harford avenue
Crisp John, cigar maker, 179 s Wolf
Crisp Elijah, painter, 275 Saratoga
Criss Michael, (Ball, Criss & Co.,) h 26 Hollins
Crist Jacob, drayman, 90 Eastern av
Crist Philip, liq. store, 40 Philpot
Crist William, 103 Ensor
Crist Thomas, pr. hacks, 167 w Lombard
Critch Robert, ladies' shoemaker, 46 Orleans
Cristner Joseph, potter, 32 n Poppleton
Critzer John, fur. wagoner, 102 Orleans
Crockard John, stone cutter, 156 n Fremont
Crocken Jarnes D., market trader, 466 Saratoga
Crocker Abraham, trader, 323 Aisquith
Crucker Charles W., attorney, 49 w Fayette
Crocker Emanuel, 193 Caroline
Crocker James, clerk, 215 Eastern av
Crocket Benton H., board'g house, 101 Hanov'r
Crockett Nehemiah, shoem'r, 362 w Lexirigton
Crofford Andrew, coach wheelwht, 90 Hollins
Croft John, laborer, 27 Abbey alley
Croft Michael, 598 Pennsylvania av
Crogan George, shoemaker, 76 Somerset
Crogan Jane, 343 Columbia
Croll Stephen, cab. maker, 48 Josephine
Crolly Mrs., 92 Madison
Cromberger Charles, cab. mak., 351 Lexington
Cromer John, tailor, 202 Canton avenue
Cromer Elizabeth, 24 St. Peter's st
Cromer (Thos. W.) & Hoff (Jacob) tobacco-
nists, 343 Baltimore
Cromer Margaret, 16 s Eutaw
Cromer Thomas W., (C. & Hoff,) h 5 s Eutaw
Cromwell David, clerk, 79 Chew
Cromwell George, ship joiner, 224 e Lombard
Cromwell James, laborer, 77 Leadenhall
Cromwell Jacob, carpenter, 122 n Poppleton
Cromwell Jacob, cabinet maker, 35 Rose
Cromwell Joseph, agent Knickerbocker Life In-
surance Co., 429 Baltimore
83 CRE
Cromwell Joshua, sail maker, (Letton & Co.,)
house 136 s Ann
Cromwell John, pattern maker, 156 Fremont
Cromwell (Joshua) & Son, (John,) sailmakers,
&c., 127 Thames
Cromwell Levi, gunsmith, 118 Thames, house
263 Ann.
Cromwell Oliver T., coachm'kr, 58 Harford av
Cromwell Oliver, huckster, 183 Conway
Cromwell Thomas, cab. maker, 74 s Broadway
Respectfully informs his friends, and the pub-
lic generally, that he carries on the
in all its varieties at
where he now has on hand a varie-
ty of Fashionable Furniture, and is
prepared to make to order furniture
discription at the shortest notice.
The undersigned attends also the un-
dertaking of Funerals as he has here-
tofore done with punctuality, either
in the Country or City.
Cron John, carpenter, 114 Regester
Cronaly (John) & Flaherty, wh. prov. dealers,
489 Baltimore
Cronan Conrad, carter, 18 Jackson's ct.
Crone Edward, tavern, 61 Harrison
Croner George, cabinet maker, 25 e Monument
Croner Thomas W., 344 Eutaw
Croner Martin, tailor, 48 Hampstead
Croneberger (Edw.) & Happel (Henry,) jew-
ellers, 70 e Baltimore
Croney John W., ladies' shoem'r, 149 Broadway
Cronhardt John C, watch and jeweler dealer, H
n Gay
Conhardt John, shoemaker, 29 Ensor
Cronin Patrick M., tavern keeper, 51 President
Cronin Timothy, laborer, 90 s Spring
Cronin Daniel, gro. and liq. 103 s Charles
Cronmiller Geo., ivory turn., 29 Low, shop rear
Cronrniller Jacob, 835 Baltimore
Cronnelly Mich'l, gro. and liq. deal., 17 French
Crook Francis M , of Adams & Co.'s express,
150 e Pratt
Crook Daniel, 51 Harford avenue
Crook Eliza A., 69 Boyd
Crook Francis A., (Sanders & C.) n w cor Lan-
vale and Madison
Crook John, laborer, 130 Sarah Ann
Crook Joseph & Son, cabinet and chair makers,
69 w Fayette, h Saratoga
Crook Joseph, cabinet maker, n e Fayette, h 404
Crook Waller, Jr., upholsterer and paper hang-
er, 220 Baltimore
Crook Wilson B., upholsterer and paper hanger,
40 w Fayette
Crook William, supercargo, 32 Spring
Crooks Resin H., blacksmith, 404 w Fayette
Crookshanks (John) & Green, (John M.,) gro.
and com. merchants, 102 Light st. whf.