Clemens John D., cooper, 161 n Canal
Clement John, shoemaker, 41 Elizabeth
Clemm Peter S., carp, l67 Paca, shop 17
Clemm Wm. A., clerk. 175 n Eden
Clemments & Gallager (Frs. T.,) carps., Orange
Clemments John S. carpenter, 117 Aisquith
Clemmons Eliza, teacher, 585 Penn. av
Clemmons John, mate, 78 Bank
Clemmons John, 149 Penn. av
Clemmons Win., cabinet maker, 2 George
Clenahan Wrn., teacher, 60S w Fayette
Clendinen Dr. Alexander, 60 e Baltimore
Clendinen Arthur A., miller. 53 Eastern av
Clendinen Joseph, 13 s Bond
Clendinen Mary A., milliner, 110 Lexington
Clendinen Dr. Wrn. H., 176 n Eutaw
Cleppart Cas,, 71 Johnson
Clerk Joseph H., prof. 20 Mulberry
Clergate Mary, 225 w Madison
Cleveland Alonzo J., music master, 304 e Balt.
Cleveland Erastus, machinist. 115 Grundy
Cleveland Joseph S., coal mt., 135 s Broadway
h 69 s Ann, yard point st
Cleveland Sylvester, clerk, 162 n Exeter
Clezy George, machinist, 252 Light
Click Hunter, cow keeper, 385 Ensor
Click Thomas, watchman, 13 Scott
Clickner Samuel A., shoemaker, 27 n High
Cliffe Robt. W., coal deal., cor South & Lomb'd
Next door to Lottery Office. N. E. Corner of
South Street, and Exchange Place,
Clifford Edward, carter, 162s Wolf
Clifford James, 4 Abbot
Clifford Saml., cheese dealer, 153 German
Clifford Wm., lab, 157 Madison
Clifford John, sen. cheese dealer, 148 German
Clifford Sylvester, collector and property agent,
421 w Pratt
Clifford Sylvester, jr., lottery deal., 127 n How-
ard, dw 248 Lexington
Clifford Sylvester, fancy store, 248 Lexington
Clift Henry, tailor, 3GG Light
Clift Dr. Thos. H. 306 s Charles
Clifton Mrs. Alphonsa, bdg house, 423 Lexington
Cline Anthony, brickmaker, 297 e Pratt
Cline Henry, brickmaker, F. Hill 346 Canton, av
Cline Jacob, pattern maker, 143 Hughes
Cline Wm. E. (Roach & Co.) dw 145 s Ann
Clinton Joseph, shoemaker, 34 second
Clisham Michael, gro. & liq. deal., 13 French
Clishman Martin, Elliott-st., Canton
Clisham Wm., laborer, 21 French
Cloak James, laborer, 197 Bank
Cloak Nicholas, shoemaker, 21 Chapel
72 COC
Clocker (Ezek.) & Smith,) Richd) carp., Watson
Clocker Ezek., (C. & Smith,) 41 Watson
Cloney Robert, laborer, 17 Boothe
Clopper John, shoemaker, 16 Park
Clogg Geo. S., boot maker, 13 s Calvert, dw 44
e Baltimore
Cloney John, 220 Dover
Clore Thos. J.. agent shot works, 30(5 Hollins
CLOSE ALEX., d gds. com. mt., over 237 Bal-
timore, dw 59 n Charles
Close Nicholas, huckster, 139 Gough
Clotworthy Alex., furniture dealer, n Howard,
dw 415 w Baltimore
Clotworthy Wm.. 361 Ensor
Cloud Benj., furn. wagoner, 258 e Monument
Cloud Robert, M., printer, 17 McElderry
Cloud Jesse, 85 n High, (Cloud Chas. F. & Co.)
pr. "Despatch," 1 s Gay
Cloud Laura, 318 e Baltimore
Clouse Fredk, tailor, 167 Forest
Club (Balt.) House, 45 w Fayette
Club, Wm., butcher, 20 Harford avenue
Cloussen August, sail maker. 67 Granby
Clunan Timothy, laborer, Hall-st., Locust Point
Clunet Victor, clerk, 234 n Howard
Cluver Gerard. mariner, 28 Fell
Coakley Phil. H., broker, 22 Second
Coale (John W.) & Cugle (Isaac, Jr.) import-
ers and dealers in fancy goods. 287 Baltimore
Coale, Eliza H , dry goods dealer, 67 Lexington
Coale George B., Sec. Merchant's Mutual Co.,
Com. buildings Gay-st., dw 45 Mulberry
Coale Isaac, jr. (C. & Cugle.) 3 Hollins
Coale Nathan, carpenter, 39 Pine,
Coale Jacob, ladies shoemaker, 32 Baltimore
COALE JAS. CAREY, Agent Marine Ins.
Co., Exchange buildings, dw 50 Sharp
Coale Mary A., 45 Mulberry
COALE WM. E., stock and bill brokers, 5
Exchange, dw 56 w Lombard
Coale Wm. jr., (Wm. E C. & Son,) dw 50 Sharp
Coates (John ) & Glenn. (Wm. C.) lumber and
coal merchants, s w cor Pratt and Greene
Coates Israel B., coachsmith, 182 Forest
Coates John, (C. & Glenn. dw 262 w Lombard
Coates Robt. E., painter, 173 Barre, shop 256 w
Coath Frances, confectioner, 32 e Lombard
Coath Thomas J., saloon keeper, 46 e Lombard
Coath Wm., gro. & liq. dealer, 419 w Fayette
Cobb Charles H., grocer, Park-st.. dw 1 Liberty
Cobb E. D., (Cobb & Stickney,) 133 Park
Cobb Josiah, gro. and prov. dealer, 31 n Liberty
Cobb Michael, blacksmith. 74 Hampstead
COBB (Edwd. D.,) & STICKNEY (Henry F.,)
imp. & whol. dealers in silk and dry goods, 255
Baltimore, up stairs
Coblentz Charles, horse dealer, 133 German
Coblentz Dr. Joseph, 352 w Lombard
Coburn Henry, bricklayer, 56 Haribrd av
COBURN JAMES, fancy bonnet dealer, 19
n Gay
Coca Adam, 188 s Dall s
Cochran (John D.,) & Aitches n (Jas.,) brass
founders, 67 North
See card, next page.
Cochran Alex., 73 n Amity
Cochran Anthony. grocer 307 Canton av
Cochran Chas., teller Farm. & Plant's. Bank,
165 Hanover
Cochran David, weaver, 73 Preston