No. 21 Thames Street,
Entrance to Jackson's Wharf,
Manufacturer of MINERAL WATERS,
and bottler of PORTER, ALE, CIDER and
Constantly on hand, put up expressly for ship-
ping, a large assortment of the above, which
will be sold on very accommodating terms, and
delivered in any part of the city free of charge.
Clark John, laborer, 20 French
Clark John, 265 n Howard
Clark John, gro. & liq. dealer. 220 s Ann
Clark John H., tailor, 222 n Eden
Clark John A. boarding h. 97 Hanover
Clark John, pres. Cit. Bank, 42 n Charles
Clark John H., cooper, 178 s Ann
Clark John, 131 Lexington
Clark John M., engineer, 197 Conwav
Clark John, clerk, 156 Lee
Clark John, machinist, 210 Montgomery
Clark Joseph, gro. & liq. desler, 179 Eager
Clark & Kellogg, office 42 n Charles
Clark Lawrence, hack driver, 240 Aisquith
Clark & Lane, tanners, 30 McHenry
Clark Lester, carpenter, 259 Canal
Clark Lewis, fancy gds. deal., BaLt., h 480 Lex'n
CLARK (Chs. H.) LUCKETT (Roger C.) &
CO., dealers in boots, shoes, hats, caps and
bonnets, 258 Baltimore
Clark Lucretia E., 67 St. Paul
Clark Margaret L., 158 Aisquith
Clark Martin, 33 New Church
Clark Martin, gro. & liq. deal., 130 Gough
Clark Mary, 505 Saratoga
Clark Mary, boarding h., 12 Constitution
Clark Mathew B. & Bro., flour merchants n e
cor of Baltimore & Paca, h 272 w Fayette
Clark Mathew, 45 Ensor
Clark Matthew B. & Bro., forwd. mts., 72 North
h M. C. Fayette
Clark Mrs. E. 141 e Canal
Clark Owen, laborer, 173 Dover
Clark Patrick, gro. & liq, deal., 82 York
Clark Patrick, grocer, 62 C. mar., h 240 n Gay
Clark Peter, confectioner, 333 Cross
Clark Capt. Ray S., 93 Gough
Clark Rebecca, 206 s Eutaw
Clark Robert, carpenter, 142 Preston
Clark Saml, of B. & O. R. R. 28 Dewberry al
Clark Samuel B., 11 s Oregon
Clark Sarah, 313 Eastern av
Clark Sarah, 22 s Paca
Clark Sarah, 84 s Caroline
Clark Temperance, 280 w Fayette
Clark Thomas S., sailmaker, 90 s Exeter
Clark Thomas, com. mt., South st, h Franklin
square, Calhoun st
Clark Thomas J., pr. lottery office, 3 n Calvert
Clark Timothy, laborer, 15 Center
Clark Capt. Wm., 292 n Eutaw
71 CLE
Clark Rev. Wm. F., 93 Barre
Clark Wm. H., sail maker, 123 Dugan's wharf
h 148 s Caroline
Clark Wm., (Denison & G.) 100 n Exeter
Clark Wm., printer, 131 Mulberry
Clark Wm. A., machinist, 533 Lexington
Clark Wm., 197 Con way
Clark Wm., pilot, 92 n Eden
Clark Wm., sailor, 21 Barre
Clark Zachariah, pilot, 12S Broadway
Clarke Austen S., laborer, 78 Regester
Clarke Chas. H., mt., 258 Balt., h McCulloch
Clarke Eli, 620 Light
Clarke Jas., locks. & bell hanger, 140 w Fayeite
Clarke James, laborer, 164 McHenry
Clarke Jas.. rigger, 106 Regester
Clarke James A., huckster, 130 York a v
Clarke Jas. E., tav. keeper, 268 Light
Clarke John, 127 s Broadway
Clarke John, furn. wagoner, 98 McElderry
Clarke & Jones, candy man. & fruit dealers, 20
Clarke Jos. H., prof, of languages. 20 Mulb'y
Clarke Lawrence, omnibus driver, 103 s Chas.
Clarke L., carver, 33 n Exeter
Clarke Matthew B., flour mt., cor Balt. & Paca
h 272 w Fayette
Clarke Phoebe D., 56 Biddle
Clarke Robt. E., chair ornam'r 28 e Lombard
Clarke & Taylor, (Horace,) h 76 Lexington
Clarke Thos., (Atkinson &. Co.) h Exeter
CLARKE THOMAS, general commission mt.,
73 South, h cor Calhoun & Raborg
Clarke Wm., h 59 e Pratt
CLARKE WM. B., attorney at law, 40 w Fay-
ette, h 241 n Eutavv
Clarke Wm. B., of telegraph, 241 n Eutaw
Clarkly Wm., laborer, 13 Granby
Clarkson Joseph, machinist, 175 n Front, h 85
Clary Aaron, (C. Stockman & C.) h 435 n Gay
Clasey George, machinist, 26 L. Church
Clasey Wm., 32 Guilford al
Classen Harman, grocer, 147 s Sharp, h 155
Clautice Ann, dry goods dealer, 111 Penn. av
Clautice Francis, huckster, 274 York av
Clautice George, wheelwright, & blacksmith.
153 Penn. av
Clautice John, 17 Briton st
Clautice Joseph, confectioner, 15 n Eden
Clautice Peter, blks., 375 w Pratt, h 110 s Paca
Clautice Wm., coach maker, 220 Biddle
Clavell Edward, mariner, 87 Washington
Claves Nathan, tailor, 106 Cross
Clawman George, laborer, 502 Penn. av
Claxton George L. shoemaker, 97 u Canal
Clay George, engineer, 231 Hollins
Claypole Septimus, chair maker, Hillen
Claypoole Capt. David, 124 Sharp
Claypoole James, 74 Lexington
Claypoole Capt. John, mariner, 232 Aisquith
Clayton George L. shoemaker, 97 Canal
Clayton Samuel, 53 Conway
Clayton Sutton S., 75 Lee
Clear George, butcher, 88 French
Cleary Edward, gro. & liq. dealer, Clinton n of
Cleaver Peter, cabinet maker, 11 French
Clebel George, sailor, 296 e Lombard
Clellan Margaret, tavern 1 Balderston
Clemens Aug. D., property agent, 76 e Pratt