Rapp John, shoemaker, 57 Union
Rappold John M., confectioner, 112 Franklin
Rappold Leonard, porter, 20 New Church
Rappoldly W., tanner, 112 Franklin
Rasch Ann Rebecca, shoe dealer, 149 Low
Rasch F. W., wholesale and retail tobacconis
8 Baltimore
Rasey Henry, blacksmith, 185 Hamburg
Rash Christian, mariner, 233 s Ann
RASIN ROBERT W., land agent, cor Fayette
and Park, dw. 221 Aisquith
Balitmore Intelligent Office,
R. W. R. attends promptly to the purchase and
sale of Farms, Houses, Ground Rents, and
every description of property, Collection and
Settlement of Claims, &c.
N. B Persons in persuit of employment can
readily obtain situationsby applyingat this office.
Letters to receive attention must be pre-paid.
Rasor Lewis, tailor, 338 s Charles
Rashje Bernard, 41 Marion
Ratacan Michael, laborer, 23 Beuren
Rathbon Milton, omnibus driver, 63 George
Rathel William, laborer, 17 Abbey al
Rathel Henry, printer, 166 s Howard
Ratler Samuel, sailor, 253 Canton av
Raily Michael, laborer, 44 Cider al
Ratz Lewis, glass blower, 106 Hughes
Raqua Abraham, editor Balt. Clipper, 104 s Paca
RAU JOHN C., grocer and produce merchant,
155 n Howard, dw 95 Penn. av
Rauark William, 185 n Eden
Rauch Jacob, trunk maker, 257 s Bond
Rauch Frederick, shoemaker, 39 n Canal
Rauch Nicholas, huckster, 25 Lancaster
Rauch Fred. W., dyer and scourer, 95 n Eutaw
Raug Robert E., file maker, 156 Dover
Raupman Johan, labr,, Lancaster n of Hudson
Rausch John, shoemaker, 314 n Howard
Ravell Joseph, fisher, 54 Johnson
Raven Jas. L., tavern, n e corMadison & Spring
Raw Thomas, shoemaker, 111 West
Rawlyes C., grocer, 45 Dallas
Rawlings Eliza C., 18 s Howard
Rawlings Benj. jr., express office, 95 Hanover
Rawlings George A., agent R. Road, 107 Paca
Rawlings Joshua, clerk, 114 Stirling
Rawlings William P., shoemaker, 242 Caroline
Ray Adam, agricultural mach., 7n Broadway
Ray Alexander, bacon dealer, 72 n Broadway
Ray Alfred, ship smith, 339 e Pratt
Ray Benjamin, coachman, 4 Pleasant
Ray Benjamin, machinist, 410 w Lombard
Ray John H. & Co., clothiers, n e corner South
and Pratt
277 REA
Ray John, silver plater, 213 e Pratt
Ray John, machinist, 53 McHenry
Ray Josiah, conductor, Young al s of McHenry
Ray William A., carpenter, 317 Franklin
Ray Elizabeth, 172 Orleans
Ray John, huckster, 73 e Monument
Ray John R., saddler, G8 n Broadway
Ray Thomas, tinner, 172 n Fremont
Ray John, laborer, 11 Perry
Ray Silas, shoemaker, 128 Cross
Raybaker John, tailor, 19 s Spring
Raybold Clara A., milliner, over 332 Balt
Rayhice Dominick, collector, 207 Mulberry
Raymo Lewis, hatter, 127 n Gay
Raymo Modest, tobacco and hat deal., 82 n Gay
Raymond E., druggist, 203 w Madison
Raymond John W., shoemaker, 240 s Charles
RAYMOND (Wm. E.) & DONOVAN (Joseph
T.,) pr. Baltimore steam laundry, 1 e Balt
Raymond Samuel W., fur dealer, 144 w Pratt
55 s Frederick, dw 71 Broadway
Rayner John, blacksmith, 102 e Lombard
Rayner John, shoemaker, 177 s Eden
Rayne William, mate, Chester s of Bank
Raynord Lewis, carpenter, 311 s Charles
Rea John H. & Co., clothiers, 118 w Pratt, dw.
60 George
N. E. Cor. South & Pratt Sts.,
Always on hand.
Also, Cloths, Cassimers and Vestings, which
will be made up to order in the best and most
fashionable Style, and on the lowest possible
Rea James, commission merch., 79 w Lombard
Rea Ann, 203 Columbia
Read John W., apothecary, 96 Broadway
Read Robert, (Wilson & R.) 104 Broadway
Read Temperance, huckster, 105 Vine
Read Wm. H. , lottery office, 196 s Broadway
Read Wm. G., P. & Wilmg. R. R., 37 Mulberry
Read Mary, 40 Pearl
Read Rachel, 49 s Howard
Read Henry, 99 s Spring
Read John, tobacconist, 30 Warner
Read Maria, 319 e Baltimore
Read Nicholas, laborer, 72 Preston
Read Samuel A., carpenter, 212 s Sharp
Readel John , 68 James' lane
Readel Dr. John D., (dec'd) 30 n Liberty
Reader Hartman. carrer, 56 Clay
Reader Charles, carpenter, 46 Clay
Reader Joseph, carter, 276 s Wolf