Rabey Wm., blacksmith, 164 Raborg
Rabey V., machinist, 35 Scott
Rabin K., cabinet maker, 62 s Caroline
Rabior Wm., shoemaker, 253 w Pratt
Rabold Thomas J., paper stainer, 37 n Eutaw
Raborg Christopher, 291 w Pratt
Raborg Christopher jr., pr. pickling establish-
ment, 68 s Eutaw
Raborg George, machinist, 140 s Paca
Raborg Goddard, 138 s Paca
Rachner Charles, barber, 12 w Lombard
Rackensber Daniel, shoemaker, 2 Sarah Ann
Radcliffe Quintin W., officer B. & O. R. R., 388
w Fayette
Radecke Dederick H., carpenter, 22 McClellan,
h New Church
Rader John, tailor, 271 Canton avenne
Radford Mary, 16 s Frederick
Raderpush Simon, Burke st. Canton
Radford John, 29 Stockton
Radican Thomas, laborer, 27 Neighbor
Radiker Frederick, carpenter, 236 s Charles
Rae Adam, plough maker, 66 Henrietta
Rae Francis, millwright, 148 s Paca
Raegan Michael, carpenter, 537 Saratoga
Raesburger John, laborer, 70 s Canal
Raesner Frederick, shoemaker, 72 Mulberry
Rafferty Ber., baker, 34 Valery
Raffle Capt. Joseph D., mariner, 34 s Spring
Ragen Charles, 83 McElderry's wharf
Ragen Michael, tailor, 68 Orleans
Rahn Frederick, box maker, 120 Eislen
Rahner Andrew, cooper, 22 Block
Raider George, cooper, 206 Bethel
Raier John, cabinet maker, 8 Baker's court
Raikle Elizabeth, 239 Saratoga
Ratagen Wash. J., ship chandl., 123 s Thames
Rail Road North West, Virginia Co, 19 South
street, up stairs
Rail Road Baltimore and Ohio, office Locust
Point, foot Nicholson st., and 23 Hanover,
Peter Dickerson, agent, h 67 Hollins
Rail Road Baltimore and Susquehanna Co's of-
fice cor Franklin and Calvert
Rail Wm., shoemaker, 45 Perry
Rain Conrad, tailor, Canton avenue e of Burke
Rainbare Abm., second hand clothier, 21 Pine
Raine Frederick, editor and pub. German Cor-
respondent, office 3 s Gay
Rainer Capt. John, 20 Williamson alley
Raines Capt. Lewis, mariner, 81 Broadway
Rainger Matthew, cigar maker 50 George
Raining Patrick, laborer, 192 s Eutaw
Rainy James, shoemaker, 61 Orleans
Rair John C., flour merchant, cor Howard and
Franklin, h 99 Pennsylvania avenue
Rairden Patrick, mason, 50 Bethel
Raisey Anthony, 118s Howard
Rake George, carpet weaver, 365 Ensor
Rakestraw Francis E., finisher, 32 Brunswick
Raley George, 182 Carpenters' alley
Raley Henry, porter, 23 Perry
Ramer Samuel, clothier, 121 n Howard
Ramon Otter, 449 Canton avenue
Ramp John, barber, 54 Portland
Ramsay Albert G., engin'r steambt., 219 Mont-
Ramsay Ann, 313 e Baltimore
Ramsay C. Z. R., clerk, 249 Mulberry
Ramsay David F., venitian blind mkr., 157 Vine
Ramsay Eliza, 21 s Spring
276 RAP
Ramsay Isaac T., tobacconist, 249 Broadway
Ramsay James G,(Wier Longcope & Co.,) h 19
s Broadway
Ramsay Joseph A., bookseller and stationer, 215
Broadway, h 115
Ramsay Joseph E., 64 Jefferson, shop Britton bet.
Madison and Chew
Ramsay Matthew, (Wm. W. & M. R.,) h 137
n Eden
Ramsay, Wm. A., milkman, 540 w Saratoga
Ramsay Wm. W. & M., wh. gro. & pro. deal.
44 s Frederick, dw. W. W. R. 98 Eastern av
Ramsay William A., tinner, 129 Bank
Ramsden James, blacksmith, 28 St Mary
Ramstick Henry, laborer, 164 Eastern av
RANDALL DUDLEY A., mineral water
manuf. 10 n Calvert, dw. 59 n Calvert
Randall Elisha, ornamental painter, 45 n Front
Randall Enoch, 19 s Fremont
Randall George V., 91 Mulberry
Randall George H., printer, 23 Watson
Randall John K. (R. & Lippincott,) 70 n Calvert
B.) coffee and provision brokers, 4 Exchange
Randall Robert, bricklayer, 249 e Lombard
Randall Samuel O., wharfinger Ramsay's whf.,
dw. 248 Pratt
Randall Sarah, 142 n Fremont
Randall Thomas W., tailor, 533 Baltimore
Randall Voltaire, clerk, 165 Fremont
Randall William, court bailiff, 358 n Gay
Randall Charles, 7 Fountain
Randall Edward, ship carp. ,40 Williamson al
Randall Jacob, cigar maker, 470 w Lombard
Randall John, ship joiner, 311 e Pratt
Randall Patrick, 253 Franklin
Randall Mary F., 182 Hughes
Randall Sarah, 154 n Fremont
Randall William H., tailor, 176 Columbia
Randalls, Dan., laborer, 34 Chesnut
Randolph James T., ship carver, 274 s Ann
Randolph John W., treasurer F. Point Sav. Ins.
145 s Broadway
gen. pro. & com. merch. 62 South st whf.
Randolph Wm. H., baker, 144 w Madison
Randolph Andw. J., (R. Golibart & Co.,) dw.
334 e Pratt
Randolph (Andw. J.,) Golibart (Simon R.) &
Co., lumber merchants, 140 Thames
Randolph Manly, coach and harness maker, 129
n Eden
Randolph Eliza, 31 Clay
Raner Henry, laborer, 41 Chapel
RANKIN SAMUEL, grocer, n e corner Ensor
and Chesnut, dw 127 Chesnut
Rankin Sam. W., soap & candle man., 91 Chew
Rankin Wm. J., soap & candle manufacturer,
15 Stirling, factory Chew st
Rankin Rev. Charles, 506 w Fayette
Rankin Robert, collector, 121 Bethel
Rankin. Samuel, clerk, 90 Chew
Ranor Otter, laborer, 449 Canton av
Ranord Lewis, laborer, 235 Durham
Rans John, pedler, 77 Harrison
Rantz Francis, basket maker, 118 French
Ranynar Capt. William, 292 Bank
Rape John, laborer, 50 Durham
Rapine Henry, tailor, 150 Orleans
Rapley William, cooper, 28 Hollins