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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 249   View pdf image (33K)
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Nelson Henry., gro. and liq. deal., 11 Fell
Nelson James, clerk, 27 Edward st
Nelson John, attorney at law, 36 St. Paul, h
Nelson Joseph, 17 s Republican
Nelson Mary A. ,23 n Eutaw
Nelson Mary, 256 w Fayette
Nelson Peter, tavern keeper, 302 s Caroline
Nelson Peter, mariner, 273 Alice Anna
Nelson T., carpenter, 316 Eastern avenue
Nelson Rebecca, 112 s Ann
Nelson Wm., pro. lottery office, Thames St., h
245 s Wolf
Nelson Weakman, clothes cutter, 178 e Fayette
Nelson Wm. B. & John N., prop, agents, 62 w
Nelson Hon. Wm. B., judge Orphans' court,
Record buildings, h cor. St. Paul and Fayette
Nemyah Fredk., cab. maker, 163 Carpenters' al
Nemyer John H., tobacconist, h 96 s Paca
Nenninger Corn., shoemaker, 33 Shakspeare
Nenninger Daniel, private watchman, Boston
street, Canton
Nenninger Louisa, 3 Courtland
Nentz John, straw cutter, 463 Saratoga
Neps John, potter, 20 n Spring
Nesbit R., cabinet maker, 15 L. Gough
Ness Mary Ann, tavern keeper, 177 Eastern av
Ness William, 17 s Spring
Ness William, mason, 306 Mulberry
Nestor John, laborer, 26 President
Nethermyre William, 190 Cross
Netre G. R., pedlar, 137 Hamburg
Neuffer Rich'd A., book-keeper, 91 n Poppleton
Neuhaus Rev. Francis M., 195 e Monument
Neuhizer Jacob, tailor, 260 e Pratt
Neuman Lee, watchmaker, 31 e Baltimore
E. Neurath, boot and shoe manufacturer, 21 s








Nevaker Charles, boiler maker, 76 Hamburg
Nevallus John, copper smelter, Clinton s Boston
Neviker John, boiler maker, 257 s Charles
Nevil Manhew, coachman, 3 Hamilton
Nevill Ann, grocer, 45 n High
Nevins William, bar keeper, 119 Lexington
Nevitt James, carpenter, 53 Chew
Newker Peter, bell hanger, 73 Hamburg
New Frederick, tailor, 228 e Lombard
New Fidel, shoemaker, 9 Lovely lane
New Peter, grocery and dairy, 181 s Bond
Newbell John D., shoemaker, 507 w Baltimore
Newberger Jacob, tailor, 52 n Canal
Newbern John, glass blower, 253 s Bond
Newberth Michael, confectioner, 3 L. Paca

247 NEW

Newbry Jacob, tailor, 7 Walker
Newcomb John, laborer, 15 Cuba St., Locust Pt.
Newcomer B. Frank, (N. & Stonebraker,) 172
w Lombard
Newcomer Louis R., clerk Post office, 341 w
Newcomer (Benj. F.) & Stonebraker, (Sam'1.)
flour and commission merchants, 53 and 55 s
NEW CREEK COAL CO., 81 Lombard st.,
Exchange Place. See card, next page.
Newell Alex., teacher, n of 274 York avenue
Newell George, tobacconist, 134 w Pratt, h cor.
Howard and Barre
Newell Henry, artist, 38 w Fayette
Newell James H., tinner, 107 Hamburg
Newell Mary, 512 Baltimore
Newell Peter, (Gregory & N.,) 146 Barre
Newhan Samuel, dry goods deal, 114 William
New Jerusalem Church, s e cor. Baltimore and
Exeter, Rev. S. H. Worcester, pastor
Newiller John, paver, 15 Walker
Newkirk Joseph B., painter, 389 e Monument
Newkirk Mary, 199 Gough
Newman Adam, gas fitter, 59 George
Newman Benjamin, sailor, 36 s Exeter
Newman Casper, cabinet maker, 26 Spring
Newman Conner, shoemaker, 7 Rose
Newman Hetty, 59 s Bond
Newman (Jacob,) & Greentree, (Samuel,) wh
clothiers, 260 Baltimore
Newman Henry, shoemaker, 85 Garden
Newman Henry, 33 Conway
Newman E. R., h 3 Pine
Newman Jas., laborer, 160 n Front
Newman John, porter, 320 n Howard
Newman Joseph, laborer, 189 Gough
Newman & Son, piano makers, 524 w Lombard
NEWMAN JOS. SONS & BRO., piano forte
makers, 509 w Baltimore, and 512, 518 & 522
w Lombard. See card, next page
Newman Lee, watchmaker, 31 e Baltimore
Newman Mr., 147 Orleans
Newman Matthew, laborer, 75 Richmond
Newman Mary E., 220 Eastern avenue
Newman Morris, dry goods dealer, 76 s Broad-
Newman Oliver P., confectioner, 137 Franklin
Newman Robert. 24 New Church
Newman Samuel, dry goods and clothing dealer,
55 & 56 Center market
Newman Timothy, carpet weaver, 251 n Canal
Newman Wm. W.. carp., rear 97 Baltimore, h
71 e Fayette
Newmeyer Chas. A., portrait painter, 283
Newmeyer Frederick, engraver. 15 Jasper
Newrath Ern., shoemaker. 21 s Liberty
NEWSHAM & CO., ornamental iron workers,
374 Baltimore
Newshaver Lawrence, laborer. 29 Eastern av
Newton Charles, machinist, 487 w Pratt
Newton Frederick, painter, 122 e Monument
Newton George, 118 Hoffman
Newton Isaac, shoemaker. 13 Dewberry alley
Newton J. & Co's, printing office, Path Finder,
4 North
Newton Lovey, 186 s Dallas
Newton Rosetta. 272 Franklin
Newton Thos., finisher, 495 w Pratt
Newton Thomas, comb maker, 41 n Schroeder

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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 249   View pdf image (33K)
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