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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 248   View pdf image (33K)
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Nantz John, 15 Grundy
Napier John H., pattern maker, 250 Hanover
Napier William, hatter, 81 Hill
Nase Jacob, laborer, 90 Preston
Nash Ephraim, laborer, 43 Durst alley
Nash Evan, foundryman, 87 Hamburg
Nash John W., shoemaker, 158 s Broadway
Nash Robert, stone cutter, 159 Garden
Nash Patrick, laborer, 162 Canton avenue
Nash Thos., bacon deal., 6 Penn. av. h 186 Pearl
Nash William, boiler maker, 79 Hamburg
Nass Michael, laborer, 241 s Ann
Nathsion John , harness maker, 25 Harrison
Baltimore, 13 South, John R. Magruder, sec.
National Hotel, G. W. Lane & Co., Camden St.,
opposite railroad depot.





Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road Depot,


G. W. LANE & CO., Proprietors.

All Passengers and Baggage to and from the
Baltimore and Ohio Depot, and Eastern and
Western Shore Boats, will be carried without


National Loan Fund Life Assurance Co. of Lon-
don, 50 Exchange Place and Lombard St., Jos.
N. Lewis, agent
Nattali Sophia, 15 e Baltimore
Nattalli Alice, corset maker, 2 s Front
Nattalli Miss jane, 2 s Front
Nattalli Mary, corset maker, 49 s Liberty
Naubanr Joseph, tinner, 106 Richmond
Naughlar Michael, tavern keeper, 17 s Front
Naugle George, shoemaker, 91 Con way
Naun John, tavern, 185 s Bond
Navin Patrick, laborer, 25 Foundry
Navins William, 119 Lexington
Naybor Aug. J., machinist, 128 Pearl
Neabour George, 117 Washington
Nead John, laborer, 157 Stirling
Neadle Mrs., dress maker, 18 Hampstead
Neagles Edward, shoemaker, 134 McHenry
Neal Edward, mite, 137 Washington
Neal Francis, (N. & Luckett,) 235 w Lombard
Neal George H., (Zeigler & Neal,) h 60 n High
Neal James G., bricklayer, 129 Sharp
Neal John, weaver, 60 Preston
Neal Joseph, clerk, 101 n Caroline
Neal William, machinist, 100 n Schroeder
Neal William, drayman, 271 Light
Neale Francis C., (N. & Luckett,) 263 w Lom-
Neale John, 38 Hargrove alley
NEALE (Francis,) & LUCKETT, (James H.)
commission merchants, 151 w Pratt
Neale William, engineer, 150 West

246 NEL

Neamire Augustus, carter, 59 s Fremont
Neanng Thomas, laborer, 159 Alice Anna
Neavel Peter, carpenter, 295 Penn. avenue
Neavett Wm. C., super, hospital, 94 n Front
Neberline Michael, laborer, 31 Lancaster
Nece Richard, miller, 31 China alley
Neck John, laborer, 322 Aisquith
Necomb Peter, Hudson st., e of Boston
Neding Henry C., shoemaker, 86 Orleans
Needert Conrad, butcher, 215 Mullikin
NEEDHAM (Asa,) & SON, grocers and com-
mission merchants, 42 and 44 Light st. whf.
h A. N., 185 s Charles
Needham George, (N. & Son.,) h 170 Sharp
Needle Louis, tailor. 250 n Canal
Needles (Edw.,) & Eichelberger, (C.) painters
over 297 Baltimore
Needles Edward, (N. & Eichelberger,) h 294 w
Needles Elizabeth, dry goods deal., 58 Hanover
Needles John & Son, dry goods merchants, 56
Neeland Elisha K., ship carp., 79 McElderry
Neely William, drayman, 25 n Spring
Neenan Thomas, laborer, 118 Washington
Neff John, laborer, 234 Durham
Negenhartt Frederick, tav keeper, 16 Penn. av.
Neighbor Augt. J., machinist, 128 Pearl
Neil Samuel, bricklayer, 143 Aisquith
Neiley Richard W., oar maker, Thames, h 131
s Ann
Neill, Duross & Co., piano forte manuf., 4 s Gay






Manufactory & Warerooms,




Neill Capt. Frederick. 222 Aisquith
Neilson Albert B., attorney at law, 15 St. Paul
Neilson Geo., sec. Water Co., h 81 n Calvert
Neilson Jas. C ,(Niernsce & N.,) h 58 Courtland
Neilson Joseph. (N. & Chesney ) 229 n Howard
Neilson Thomas N., 150 Cathedral
Neilson Wm. H., 110 Hillen
Neilson Wm. E., 194 Caroline
Neimeyer Harmon, sen., carpenter, 142 Sharp
Neimeyer John H., (Bonn, N. & Co.) s Paca
Neise Henry, 55 Orchard
Neiiner Fredk., blacksmith, 63 s Howard
Neitzel Jacob, milkman, Canton st
Nelson Andrew, tailor, 462 w Lombard
Neland Edward, mill stone maker, 40 Chapel
Neligan Thomas, 178 s Canal
Nelson Charles A., 19 s Canal
Nelson Charles H., sailor, 221 s Wolf

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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 248   View pdf image (33K)
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