Merrick August, shoemaker, 222 Hollins
Merrick John R., grocer, 168 n Canal
Merrick R. T., attorney at law, 31 St. Paul
Merriken George, (W. & Geo. M.,) h Barre
Merriken James, cabinet mak. and undertaker
107 Lexington
Merriken Jos. S., 258 Saratoga
Merriken Wm. & George, dry goods dealers, 1
Water, h W. M. 174 Pratt
Merriken James, furniture wag., 4 Josphine
Merriken William, book binder, 10 Josephine
Merriken William, tinner, 304 Aisquith
Merrill Jeremiah, 333 Saratoga
AS, manuf. and imp, of guns, gun locks and
rifles, 204 Baltimore
Merrill Warner, lightning rod agent, 4 Bowly's
wharf, h Lee
Mirrill Mrs., 74 n Eden
Merrill James H., (M., Latrobe & Thomas,)
265 Lexington
Merritt Anthony, grocer, 31 w Fayette
Merritt Caleb, carpenter, h 92 Eastern avenue
Merritt Charles, boiler maker, 85 McHenry
Merrin Ellen, French mil. store, 117 Saratoga
Merritt Geo. A., h 18 Pearl
Merritt Henrietta, 156 Cross
Merritt John P., wheelwright, 159 Gough
Merritt Joseph, carpenter, h 94 Eastern av
Merritt Wm. C., huckster, 16 Rose
Merritt Wm. K. & Co., wh. gro. and com. mts.
51 s Calvert, h W. K. M. 41 Charles
Merritt Ann R., 276 Aisquith
Merritt Asa, upholsterer, 10 s Greene
Merritt Caleb & Son, carpenters, 121 Eastern av
Merritt Eliza, 13 Pleasant
Merritt Mrs. I. H., milliner, 94 w Saratoga
Merritt Jesse T., shoemaker. 105 Chew
Merritt Wm. C., huckster, 319 n Howard
Merryman George, surg. dentist, 35 Holliday
Merryman Jacob, shoemaker, 134 Orleans
Merryman Moses, clerk, 1 Hill
Merryman Nicholas P., bricklayer, 76 George
Merryman Oliver P., cabinet maker, 26 n How-
ard, h Josephine, between Arch and Pine
Merryman Samuel H., 53 Josephine
Merryman Dr. Moses W. & Dr. J. Gilman, 83
w Fayette
Mersmann Joseph, boss paver, 169 Ensor
Mertz George, laborer, Beason st., Locust Point
Meseke Fred., boot and shoemaker, 322 w Pratt
Mesis John H., shoemaker, 130 Pine
Mesman Ernst, laborer, 20 President
Mesner John, tanner, 492 Pennsylvania avenue
Messer Lawrence D., watch maker and jeweler,
639 w Baltimore
Messersmith Charles, butcher, 2 Preston
Messersmith George, baker, 141 Harford av
Messersmith Jacob, baker, 125 Penn. avenue
Messersmith John W., grocer, 185 Hanover
Messersmith Edward, shoemaker, 123 Penn. av
Messing Susannah, 58 Pine
Melhony Capt. Daniel, 46 n Broadway
Methodist Protestant, publication office and
book store, 4 North. Rev. E. Y. Reese, ag't
Metropolitan Fire and Marine Insurance Co.,
of Boston. Thos. K. Carroll, agent, 50 Ex-
change Place, Lombard st
Mettee (Lewis A.,) & Bro. (J. Hinedy,) gen'l
com. and collect, agts., over 62½ Baltimore
Mettee John, type founder, 188 East
232 MEY
Mettee C. A. & W. H., blacksmiths, 113
Lombard, h W. H. M. Pennsylvania avenue
Mettee Elizabeth, 161 Biddle
Mettee Francis, blacksmith, 131 n Eden
Mettee Henry, cooper, 14 Stiles
Mettee Leonard, (M. & Sindall,) 99 Hillen
Mettee Lewis, (M. & Bro.,) 69 w Pratt
Mettee Martin, blacksmith, h 69 e Pratt
Mettee J. Kennedy, (M. & Bro.,) h 69 e Pratt
Mettee Leonard, blacksmith, 87 Lee
Mettee (Leonard,) & Sindall (Philip,) black-
smith, 98 Hillen
Mettee William, shoemaker, 220 Canton av
Metz John A., tailor, 60 Somerset
Metzgar Franklin, apoth. & drug., 237 n Gay
Metzgar Sophia, 79 n Howard
Meuschke John G , (dec'd,) tav'n, 114 Thames
Mewshaw John A., finisher, 71 Hamburg
Meychine George, laborer, 319 Saratoga
Meyenberg Kaufman, dry goods deal., 72 Pearl
Meyre George T., 108 n Eutaw
Meyer Ann, 64 e Fayette
Meyer Augt., (Lerew, Sander & Co.,) boards
Eutaw house
Meyer Charles, shoemaker, 9 Second
MEYER CHARLES, grocer and liquor deal-
er, 44 s Howard
MEYER FERDINAND D., hosiery, gloves
and trimmmings dealer, 139 Baltimore
Meyer Frederick C., stave dealer, 304 Caroline
Meyer Frederick G., tobacconist, 744 Baltimore
Meyer George, laborer, 263 s Sharp
Meyer George, shoemaker, 41 n Liberty
Meyer George, coppersmith, 21 w Pratt
Meyer Henry, tobacconist, 354 w Pratt
Meyer Henry, cabinet maker, 33 Clay, h 25
New Church
Meyer Henry, shoemaker, 141 n Canal
Meyer Henry, tobacconist, 556 Baltimore
Meyer John C., shoemaker, 6 Columbia
Meyer John, Cambridge
Meyer Charles, shoemaker, 54 Camden
Meyer Fanny, 57 Chesnut
Meyer Fred., clothier, 204 w Pratt, h 101 Lee
Meyer Frederick A., grocer, 330 n Gay
McGuire Harman, grocer, Montgomery, h 306
s Sharp
Meyer John G., grocery and liquor dealer, 345
Meyer & McDonald, gas fitters, 6 North
Meyer Nathan A., confectioner, 68 Thames
Meyer Philip, tavern keeper, 5 n Gay
Meyer Wm., tavern keeper, 4 Shakspeare
Meyer John P., grocer, 140 s Eutaw
Meyer John, cabinet maker, 14 Edward
Meyer John, laborer, 29 Philpot
Meyer John H., grocer and liquor dealer, 299
Meyer Levi, pedlar, 11 Hillen
Meyer Joseph, rag dealer, 72 York avenue
Meyer Meyer T., dry goods dealer, 149 Gay, h
130 Chesnut
Meyer Philip, dry goods dealer, 189 n Gay
Meyer Wm., lavern keeper, 272 s Ann
Meyer Wm., tavern, 44 n Frederick
Meyer John Gerhard, grocer, 315 n Howard
Meyer Joseph Henry, cab. mak., 11 Lovely lane
Meyer Lawrence, tin anu copper smith, 122 n
Meyers Andrews, 159 s Sharp
Meyers Edward, 173 Aisquith