Meehan Patrick, coffee roaster, 198 n Eden
Meek Adam, 326 n Eutaw
Meek Wm. W., watchman, 30 Milliman
Meekins Basil, hatter, 54 n Spring
Meekins John, 216 Bank
Meekins & Leddon, old metal and rag dealers,
124 Dugan's wharf
Meekins Isaac, rigger, 126 Cross
Meeks John W., machinist, 9 s Republican
Meeks Sarah M., 39 Henrietta
Meeks Wm. W., bricklayer, 51 McHenry
Meeks Wm., morocco dresser, 27 St. Mary
Meer John, laborer, 113 Harford avenue
Meetshier Gutlieb, 356 Penn. avenue
Megary James W., grocer, 113 Ensor
Megee George A., magistrate, 18 n Eutaw, h 87
Meghan Wm , drayman, 95 Spring
MEGRAW THOMAS E., brush maker, 11 n
Mehaffy Michael, laborer, 87 e Monument
Mehaly John, 218 Light
Mehleauteau John, tailor, 139 Franklin
Mehrer Joseph, tavern keeper, 56 Park
Meily Richard, oar maker, 145 Thames, h Ann
Metrs Andrew, of saw mill, 146 s Eden
Meis Wm., tavern, 10 Fell
Meisel John, baker, 450 Saratoga
Meisner Adolph, tailor, 47 Clay
Meith Ann E., 140 e Lombard,
Meixsel (Joseph H.,) & Grafton (McHenry,)
flour and gen'l produce com. mts., 149 w Pratt
Formerly Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Depot,
Devote their whole attention to the Sale of
Flour, Grain and Seeds, Bacon, Lard, Butter
Cheese, Wool, Dried Fruit, Whiskey, Tobacco
&c. &c., on the most liberal terms.
Meixsel Jacob, magistrate, 47 n Eutaw, h 241
Meixsel Jos. H., (M. & Grafton,) h 159 Lombard
Melbourn Charles, sail maker, Light, h 37 Fawn
Melbourn Thomas, carpenter, 323 e Monument
Melbourn Ann E., 38 Harmony lane
Melchor Frederick, machinist, 36 St. Mary
Meldick August, 70 Harmony lane
Mellen James, 132 Dolphin
Mellor John, near 50 Thames
Melman George, laborer, 165 Regester
231 MER
Melody Mal., carpenter, 494 w Pratt
Melson John F., mate, 161 Bank
Meluas Francis, mattress maker, 294 s Bond
Melvill Geo. W., pilot, 93 Washington
Memmert Frederick, piano mak., 27 Josephine
Mencken Bokhart, cigar maker, 364 Cross
Menderling Frederick, tailor, 72 n Gay
Mendis Hover, 85 Regester
Mene Val., tailor, 191 Vine
Mener Godfred, finisher, 656 w Pratt
Mengard Rev. John H., 279 Hanover
Menke Frederick, grocer, 433 w Pratt
Menreg Henry, 523 w Lombard
Menry Andrew, 98 s Eutaw
Mens William, mattress maker, 7 York avenue
Mensel Charles, laborer, 68 Bethel
Menten Eliza, 65 Clay
Mentzel Henry, collector, 112 Pearl
Mentzel Charles, carter, 68 Raborg
Menzies James, clerk rail road, 117 Conway
Menzing Harman, tailor, 84 s Wolf
Merbrisal Samuel, furniture deal., 47 n Eden
Mercantile Library Association, Athenaeum
buildings, cor St. Paul and Saratoga
Mercer Charles H., pro. shovel manuf., 132 w
Lombard, h 90 e Pratt
Mercer Chas. H., (Bowen & M.,) h 90 e Pratt
Mercer Charles, engineer, 202 Penn. avenue
Mercer Dr. Arch., 32 n Eutaw
Mercer George W., watchman, 156 s Ann
Mercer James Wm., carpenter, 98 German
Mercer James, carpenter, 373 Saratoga
Mercer John, carpenter, 150 McHenry
Mercer John, blacksmith, 28 Lemon
Mercer & Manahan, imp. and dealers in fancy
goods, 252 Baltimore
Mercer P. G., (M. & Manahan,) 42 s Eutaw
Mercer Thomas, blacksmith, 60 s Poppleton
Mercer Thomas, blacksmith, 12 Calender
Mercer Robert, brickmaker, 2 n Amity
Merceret Francis, (Foley & M.,) 147 Saratoga
Merceret Lewis, public weigher, 51 w Pratt, h
147 Saratoga
Merchant Joseph, confectioner, 146 n Gay
Merchants' Bank, Exchange buildings, s w cor
Second and Gay
Mere Philip, huckster, 16 President
FICE, Commercial buildings, 43 s Gay. W.
Graham, prest. George B. Coale, sec'y
Meredith Alexander L., moulder, 7 McHenry
Meredith Benj. R., tailor, 144 w Lombard
Meredith Aug. J., marble cutter, 86 w Lom-
bard, h 170 Hughes
Meredith John F., painter and deal, in oil, glass,
&c., 2 w Pratt, h 42 s Exeter
Meredith John, mariner, 26 Stirling
Meredith John, pattern maker, 95 Hamburg
Meredith Jonathan, attorney, offl. 28 n Calvert
Meredith Joseph H., (Canfield, Bro.& Co.,) h
12 Cathedral
Meredith Samuel, laborer, 4 n Amity
MEREDITH (T. J.,) & SPENCER (Jos. H.,)
wholesale dry goods merchants, 306 Baltimore
Meredith Thos. J., (M. & Spencer.) h 151 Biddle
Meredith William, butcher, 751 Penn. avenue
Merker Andrew, smith, h 180 Saratoga
Merker William, blacksmith, 133 n Paca
Merkel Frederick, finisher, 145 Raborg
Merrens John, l26 Conway
Merriam Hannah H., 393 Lexington