Goodrich (Henry,) & Bevan (Robert M.,) gro.
and com. merchants, 104 Dugan's wharf
Goodrich Henry, 71 Aisquith
Goodrich Washington, constable 9th ward, e of
295 e Fayette
Goodshel Frederick, police officer, 156 Ross
Goodwalt Michael, laborer, 42 Bank
Goodwin Charles, as. cash, of Merchant's bank,
h 209 w Lombard
Goodwin Jonn, blacksmith and shoer, 403 Balt
Goodwin Priscilla, 142 Lee
Goodwin Richard B., (Goodwin & Stephens,) h
27 Stiles
Goodwin Wm. J., carpenter, 165 n Canal
Goonan Tim., 514 w Pratt
Gordon Alexander B., attorney, 9 Calvert, h 66
w Monument
Gordon Catherine E., 158 York avenue
Gordon David, baker, 72 Albemarle
Gordon Dennis, ladies' shoemaker, 125 n Bond
Gordon Eliza, 133 n Charles
Gordon George W., wood dealer, 94 1-2 Light
st. wharf, h 105 s Eden
Gordon Hy. D., coach maker, 116 n Poppleton
Gordon Henry B., coach maker, 41 s Paca
Gordon James, bricklayer, 11 Buren
Gordon Dr. James W. W., 139 Biddle
Gordon James, omnibus driver, 954 Baltimore
Gordon John M., pres. Union Bank, h 101 Mon't
Gordon John, drayman, 32 Morris alley
Gordon Joseph, oak cooper, 102 n Fremont
Gordon Jos N., com. mt. customs, h 51 n Charles
Gordon Joseph, watchman, 316 Monument
Gordon Lemuel S., flour dealer, Spear's whf., h
39 Courtland
Gorden Lewis, laborer, near 45 Low
Gordon Martin, laborer, Hull St., Locust Point
Gordon Michael, laborer, 70 Durham
Gordon Providence, huckster, Harford road
Gordon Solomon, dry goods dealer, 397 n Gay
Gordon Rebecca, 321 n Gay
Gordon William, shoemaker, 278 Monument
Gordon William, tailor, 213 Lexington
Gordon Wm. H. C. H., watchman, 154 Orleans
Gore Philip, 2 Willis st
Goreing Wm. J., painter, 60 n Bond
Gorman Bernard, grocer and liquor deal., 94
Gorman Christina, 128 Chesnut
Gorman James, grocer, 25 Bethel
Gorman James W., 3 e Fayette
Gorman Joseph, moulder, 49 Scott
Gorman John O, laborer, 73 Richmond
Gorman Nicholas, watchman, 151 Pierce
Gorman Thomas, conductor on B & O. R. R..
118 s Paca
Gorman William, ship smith, 48 Stiles
Gormley John, tinner, 230 Lexington
Gornell Richard, brass finisher, Holliday, h 150
Gorrell Rezin, carpenter. 121 Madison
Gorsuch Jacob, 58 York avenue
Gorsuch John, hardware dealer, cor. Gay and
Front, h 78 n High
Gorsuch & Jones, dry goods and carpel dealers,
73 C. Market space
Gorsuch Levin. 231 Durham
Gorsuch Nicholas M., hatter, 177 e Lombard
Gorsuch Peregrine, clerk superior court, 227
Gorsuch Robert, 157 e Monument
131 GOU
Gorsuch Robert, clerk, 148 Pearl
Gorsuch Saml., ship carpenter, 301 Eastern av
Gorsuch Sarah, shoe binder, 20 New
Gorsuch Theodore, carpenter, 85 Mulberry, h
97 Franklin
Gorsuch Wm. G., carpenter, 29 n Courtland, h
100 Eutaw st
Gorsuch Wm. P., conduc. railroad, 187 German
Gorsuch Wm. K., mason, 72 Chew
Gorter Geo. O., (Graf & G.,) h 31 n Gay
GORTON WM.S., magis., 258 s Broadway
Gorton Capt. Wm. A., 421 w Lombard
Goshel Capt. Peter, 95 Gough
Goslee Daniel W., (Davis & G.) h 54 Bank
Gosden John T., professor music, 1 Jefferson
Gosling John, silver plater, 17 Hill
Gosman Geo., 220 Pennsylvania avenue
Gosman Philip, laborer, 244 Durham
Gosnell Elizabeth, 16 St. Mary
Gosnell Francis, carpenter, 492 w Lexington
Gosnell George, painter, 282 Harford road
Gosnell Leml. W., of. public store, h 7 Carey st.
Franklin square
Gosnell Philip H., merchant tailor, 7 n Howard
Gosnell Richard, blacksmith, 248 n Monument
Gosnell Talbot, carpenter, 83 Mulberry
Gosnell Thomas, carpenter, 210 e Madison
Gosnell William H., clerk, 104 Stirling
Goss Thomas, blacksmith, 188 n Caroline
Gossmark Geo., lager beer brewer, 23 n Fredk.
Gotsenberg George, 49 Clay
Gott Catharine, 253 w Fayette
Gott James, porter Eutaw House, 43 Hillen
Gott Parson, tavern keeper, 119 Eastern av
Gott Wm., carpenter, 266 n Eutaw
Gottbehuet Casper, machinist, 216 Dover
Gottleip Sol., tailor, 39 Caroline
Gotz Frederick, shoemaker, 47 Hill
Gutze Henry, tailor, 101 n Canal
Gouble Washington, 260 Mulberry
Gough Dr. Dixon, 70 Sharp
Gough Thomas, fur. wagoner, 304 e Fayette
Gough Wm., laborer, w of 21 Colvert alley or
Britton's court
Gough Wm., pedlar, 93 McElderry's wharf
Gould Alexander, 368 Light
Gould Alexander, jr., property agent, 77 Sec-
ond st., h 70
Gould Capt. Edward, 180 Ann
Gould Francis, 123 Sharp
Gould & Glanville, cabinet maker, 67 s Sharp
Gould Jas., (G., Stowell & Ward,) h 38 Franklin
Gould John G., 74 e Lombard
Gould (James,) Stowell & Ward,) imp. and
dealers in clocks, chronometers, watches, jew-
elry, &c., 168 Baltimore See card, next page
Gould Louisa, 10 Chesnut
Gould Mary, 68 French
Gould Peter, 146 Durham
Gould Thos. N., (G. & Glanville,) h 123 s Paca
Gould William, clerk, 323 Light
Gould Zaccheus, paper carrier, 157 William
Goulday George, 53 Tyson
Gouldbbwer Godfred, laborer, 83 Chapel
Gouldernan John, laborer, 213 Durham
Gouldvard John, tav. keeper, 192 Sharp
GOULEY MRS. C., vegetable medicine vend-
er, 38 Baltimore
Goulph Thomas, sailor, 16 Armistead lane
Gourley George, shoer and Smith, 7 President
Gourley John, laborer, 4 Slemmer alley