Godwin Wm., jr., com. merchant, B. Bowly's
Gwharf, h Lee
Goepple Henry, tailor. 93 Conway
Goerller Francis, tavern. 159 e Lombard
Goff James, engineer, 154 McHenry
Goforth Geo. W., bacon dealer, rear 437 n Gay
Gogern Anthony, laborer, Cotton fact, row, w
of Clinton
Gohde John, tobacconist, 119 Thames
Gohlinghorst Geo., tavern, 15 Commerce
Going Alva, machinist, 14 Mary
Gola Charles, prof, music, 21 Courtland
Golavnay Michael, 129 Regester
Golavnay Henry, plumber, 126 Regester
Gold Charles, engineer, 185 Conway
Gold Abraham, dry goods dealer, 649 Balt
Golden John, watchman, 271 Raborg
Golden James, furniture wagoner, 38 Chesnut
Goldenburg Daniel E. & Co., dry goods dealers,
271 n Gay
GOLDENBURG LE VI, wh. & retail dealer in
embro. and millinery goods, 55 Baltimore, h
31 s High
Goldenburg Ruben, 653 Baltimore
Goldenburg, Sarah, millinery dealer, 55 Balti-
more, up stairs
Golder Arch. & Son, imp. and man. of paper
hangings, 37 Hanover, h A. G. 127 Fayelte
Golder James, (A. G. & Son,) h 81 Park
Golder & Undutch, paper hanging dealers, 33
Importers and Dealers in
Between German and Lombard,
ROOMS and HALLS papered in the City or
Country by careful workmen. ALL work guar-
Goider (Robert,) & Undutch (Nich.,) paper
hangers, 33-'35 Hanover
Golder Robt., (G. &, Undutch,) h 293 n Howard
Golding Richard, 312 Raborg
Goldhamer Peter, 51 Durst alley
Goldman David, dry goods dealer, 121 Aisquith
Golding Bernard, shoemaker, 36 President
Golding P., 306 Raborg
Golding Michael, laborer, 61 Raborg
Goldsborough Alex. W. & Co., dry goods deal-
ers, 190 n Gay
Goldsborough John, tav. keeper. 172 Eastern av
Goldsborough Nich. W., (R. M. Lockwood &
Co.,) h 180 Preston
130 GOO
Goldsborough Alice, 47 St. Paul
Goldsborough Louisa, 4 Bethel
Goldsborough Washington, laborer, 59 Pin al
Goldsborough Wm. J., Farm. and Plant, bank
135 n Eden
Goldsborough Martin, com. mt., 38 Holliday
Goldschmidt Sol., shoemaker, 219 Alice Anna
Goldschmidt Hertz, second-hand ware dealer
33 Lancaster
Goldschmidt Herman, dry goods dealer, 156
Goldschmidt Jonas, clothier, 82 East
Goldsmith E., commission merchant, 5 Com-
merce, (up stairs,) h 44 s High
Gold smith Michael, second-hand furn. dealer
3 Hampstead
Goldsmith Dr. Robert H., 149 Park
Goldsmith Eliza, 149 Park
Goldsmith Reuben S., dry goods dealer, 106
Alice Anna
Goldsmith Samuel H., 85 n Calvert
Goldsmith Sam'l, shoemaker, 188 n Broadway
Goldstein Aaron, store keeper, 221 n Canal
Golfman L., butcher, 85 n Eden
Golibart Simon R., (Randolph, G. & Co.,) h 99
Goll Henry B., agent, 77 Pierce
Goll Sylvester S., paver, 159 Stirling
Goman George, trader, Penn. avenue extended
Gonder, (Abraham & G.,) Eutaw
Gonigal John M.. sailor, 232 Bank
Gooby Lucy, 1 Marion
Good John, weaver, 103 Pierce
Good John, furniture dealer, 31 Harrison
Good Wm , grocer and liq. dealer, 180 Pearl
Goodacre Daniel, stone cutter, cor President 4
Stile sts., h 85 Albemarle
Goodall Matthew, 237 Hollins
Gooden Patrick, wheelwright, 22 Rose
Gooden Thomas, carter, 17 Neighbor
Goodfellow Joseph tailor, 215 e Pratt
Goodhand John, (G., Tucker & Smith,) 17
GOODHAND (John,) TUCKER (Wesley A.)
& SMITH, wholesale dealers in boots, shoes
hats, &c., 3 s Charles
Gooding Chas. E., tavern keeper, 14 Harrison
Gooding Ellen, 169 Hamburg
Gooding Mrs., 98 n Bond
Goodman Charles, cigar maker, 77 Harrison
Goodman Aaron, clothier, 48 w Pratt, h 120 e
Goodman Aaron, clothier, 75 n Howard
Goodman Edward C., boot & shoemaker, 172 n
Goodman Henry & Bro., clothiers, 10 C. market
Goodman Jacob, machinist, 453 w Lombard
Goodman John, wagoner, 195 Ross
Goodman Lewis, second-hand furn. dealer, w
Goodman Samuel, tailor, 192 n Eden
Goodman Maria, 158 s Fremont
Goodman John, tailor, 139 Orleans
Goodman Ronebalt, tailor, 141 Bethel
Goodman Joseph, cap store, 63 Harrison
Goodman Moses, second-hand deal., 62 Harrison
Goodman Thomas, (Miller, Mayhew & Co.,) h
64 s Eutaw
Goodmanson Capt. James H., 97 n Eden
Goodmanson Samuel, tailor, 194 n Eden
Goodmood John, laborer, 423 Saratoga