Farrell Thomas, tavern, 22 s Front
Farrell Thomas, laborer, 1 Morris al
Farrell Wra. H., blacksmith, 125 s Fremont,
h 40 St. Peter
Farrell Wm .O., Peirce w of Fremont
Farrem Mrs., 196 n Eden
Farring Augustus, harness maker, 425 n Gay
FARRtNGER CHARLES, soap and candle
factory, 5 Liberty al, h 14 Constitution, see ad-
Farringer John F., paper hanger, n Caroline
Farris Ball, confectioner, 2 n Charles
Farris John, clerk, 173 s Eden
Farrold George, machinist, 73 s Fremont
Farrow Joseph, dry g. mercht., 653 Balt
Farrow Lamson, clerk, 387 Franklin
Farson Elizabeth, 47 s Ann
Farst John A., blks., 142 s Caroline
Farwell Thomas, off. Penitentiary, 204 Forest
Fasbender C. P., watchmaker, 303 w Pratt
Faster Nicholas, grocer, 105 n Eden
Fatherall David, hacker, 12 Davis
Fathimer John, 232 Eager
Fatners Wm., carter, 97 Eastern av
Faucett Michael, clerk, 250 Aisquith
Faughener James, laborer, 131 William
Fauk Jacob, shm., 315 Saratoga
Faulac Anthony, broker. 318 e Balt
Faulk John, carp., 79 Leadenhall
Faulkner John, dry s. dealer, cor German and
Charles, h 103 Lexington
Faulkner Ed ward, ship carp., 270 Eastern av
Faulkner James, blks., 55 n High
Faulkman Wm., watchman, Castle al, s Bank
Faulstch Peter, tavern, 34 Thames
Fauple John, shm., 31 Chapel
Faust Jacob, lawer, 242 Light
Faust John H., boiler maker, 242 Light
Faustul John, tailor, 336 Mulberry
Faveborn John, carpet weaver, 25 e Pratt
Fawley John, sail maker, Spear's wharf, h 87 e
Farwner Henry, 675 Penn av
Faxon (Eben) &. Andrews (R. Snowden.) archi-
tects, over 198 Balt
Faxon Eben (F. & Andrews,) 27 Hamilton
Fay Fordyce, currier, 52 Granny
Fay Henry, dry goods deal and clothier, 48 &
50 Centre market
Fay Margaret, 45 Chesnut
Fay Patrick, clerk, 11 Albemarle
Fay Stephen, 569 s Sharp
Fayette John, laborer, 24 Regester
Fays Henry, teacher, 220 Eager
Feak Augt., engineer, 40 Raborg
Fearhaller Geo., baker, 94 Aisquith
Fearing Frederick, laborer, 11 Bevan alley
Fearing Fearcehanger Martin, laborer, 218 s
Fearing Jacob, 200 s Sharp
Feast John, florist & seedsman, 295 Lexington
FEAST SAMUEL &. SONS, florists and nur-
sery men, Franklin w of Republican, and 55
n Charles
Featherston E., (Wight, Griffith & Co.,) h 58
Febus Edwin, carter, 352 s Eutaw
Feck Francis, laborer, 84 Bethel
Fedirleicht Abraham, clothier, 161 Franklin
Fedou Francis, millinery dealer, 70 Pearl
Feedz John, tailor, 260 s Sharp
110 FEN
Feegan Patrick, laborer, Colvert alley w of 21
Britton st
Feehan John, gro. & liq. deal., 193 s Caroline
Feehely Michael, 68 Durst alley
Feelar Christian, laborer, 188 Bergundy alley
Feeling Lewis, 13 n Amity
Feeldeman John D., 68 Granby
Feeny James, tinner, 16 Pearl
Fefel John, huckster, 16 s Republican
Fefil John, coppersmith, 331 s Charles
Fefil Joseph, jr., tav. keeper, 789 Baltimore
Fefil John, 797 Baltimore
Feig Andrew, tailor, 28 Caroline
Feige Frederick, blacksmith, 173 East
Feids William, stove maker, 78 McElderry
Feinour Dr. Thos., 498 w Fayette
Feinour Edw., (Dickey &F.) h 301 w Lexington
Feinour Dr. Thos., Carey st., Franklin square,
(last 498 Fayette)
Feister John, bricklayer, Port St., Canton
Feistal John G. F., lager beer deal., 43 Ensor
Felber Lewis, stocking weaver, 342 s Bond
Felday John, milk deal., n of 274 York avenue
Felder John, 79 Eastern avenue
Feldenger Adam, 186s High
Feldenheimer D., (Schloss & F.) h 62 Center mar
Felhouse B., shoemaker, h 23 Short
FELGNER F. W., merchant tailor, 162 Balt
Fell Peter, tailor, 75 Washihgton
Fell Stephen, butler dealer, 227 Harford av
Fells' Point Savings Institution, Broadway, bet.
171 and 175
Feller Geo., cooper 129 s Spring
Feller Henry, carter, 144 s Canal
Feller John, gro & liq. deal., 192 Hollins
Fellon Wm., 87 Washington
Felt Phil., milkman, 402 Harford avenu
Felter Charles, laborer, 573 s Bond
Feltman Michael, Chesapeake st., n of Elliott
Felton Adam, sen., drayman, 116 Hamburg
Felton Adam, jr., 119 Hamburg
Felthouse Henry, tinner, 31 Bevan al., h 127
Fenby Jos. B. & Co., flour and com. merchants,
28 Commerce
FENBY S. & BROTHER, flour, grain, prod.
ship, and com. mts., 70 w Pratt, cor Gay
Fenby Samuel, (S. Fenby & Bro.,) h 147 n
Fenby Richard D., (S. F. & Bro.,) h York road
Fenby Theodore, dry goods dealer, 137 n Gay
Fendall Dr. Joshua C., 43 Hillen
Fendrich Jos. & Bro., tobacconist, 155 Forest
Fendrich David, cooper, 155 Forest
Fendwick Rudolph, boot fitter, 33 Camden
Fenhager Capt. Thos., 62 s Ann
Fennan Wm.. tailor, 15 Low
Fenn Emily, 133 Welcome alley
Fennell Maurice, clerk, 131 Columbia
Fennell James, shoemaker, 64 Perry
Fennell Wesley, lumber agent, Mill St., h 81 s
Fennenn Thos , chair painter. 28 Orleans
Fenneman Dederick, gro. and liq., dealer, 113
Fenner Joseph, 272 s Ann
Fenner Val., tailor, 169 Durham
Fenner Henry, sen., shoemaker, 179 Lee
Fenner Richard S., clerk, 74 High
Fenny Bern., blacksmith Somerset near Eager
Fenster Jacob, laborer, 18 n Dallas