Fabs Amelia, 24 Jackson
Faige Fredk., carp., 3G Abbey al, h Montg'y
Faifanger Geo., cooper, 75 Bank, Geo. C. Ew-
ing, agent
Fairbank Christ., shm., 155 e Lombard
Fairbanks Henry, horse dealer, 2 McHenry
Fairbanks (E. & F. & Co.) pr. platform scale
warehouse, 141 w Pratt
Fairbanks Henry T., carpenter, 243 Franklin
Fairbanks James, shipwright, 319 Canton av
Fairbanks John, conductor R. R., 361 w Lom-
bard st
Fairchild Ann, 146 Con way
Fairchild Wm., (Hopkins '& F.) h 196 Mont'y
Fairn Michael, 25 Abbey al
Fairnauch John, laborer, 76 Hillen
Faite John, confect., 64 Mulberry
Faithful Edward B., 24 Hill
Faithful Lydia, 78 George
Faithful Henry, bricklayer, 85 Chatsworth
Faithful Joseph, daguerrian artist, n e cor Eu
taw and Lexington
Faithful Margaret, midwife, Chatsworth near
Faithful Wm., printer, 81 Chatsworth
Faithful Wm. T. 78 Pine
FALCONER JOHN H., literacy at law, 46
Falconer Abrahams., book keeper, 156 Biddle
Falconer John, clerk R. R., 111 s Sharp
FALCONER (John) & Haskell (John H.,) dry
good com mers., 12 s Charles
Falconer John, (F. & Haskell,) 103 w Lexington
Fal Nichs., tailor, 198 s Wolf
Faldner John, tailor, 65 s High
Fales Capt. Ebenezer C., 55 s Fremont
Fales James G., pilot, 134 s Ann
Fales Squire M , machinist, 102 n Exeter
Falk Val., 63 n Frederick
Faikman Nichs., laborer, 57 s High
Fallen Daniel, wood corder, 373 Light
Fallon John, weaver, 173 n Fremont
Fallon Mary, 53 n Front
Fallon James, laborer, 24 Brunswick
Fallon Patrick, cooper, 53 Buren,
Fallon Peter, tav. keep., 208 Lexington
Falik Casper W., gro. and liq. dealer, 348 s
Falk George, tav. keep., 63 Hanover
Falkenhorn John, laborer, 245 n Bond
Falls Moor N., Pres. Bah. and Va. Steam P.
Co., h 19 n Calvert
Falter John, tailor, 235 Eager
Falter John, tailor, 132 French
Faney Patrick, plasterer, 288 s Sharp
Fanhagan James, carp., 93 s Eden
Fannan John, 28 New Church
Fanning Patrick. 322 Forest
Fantom James H., carp., 201 Eager
Farber John, carp., 5 Fountain
Farber John, 4 Jasper
Fardell Margt., 61 Boyd
Fardwell Isaac, wood dealer, 29 Hill
Fardwell Wm., bricklayer, 27 Hill
Fardy John T. & Bro., ship carp., Hughes st, e
Fardy John T., (F. & Bro.) h 47 Lee
Fareborn John, carpet weaver, 25 e Pratt
Farley Elias G., carp., 28 Scott
Faringer Charles, soap and candle man. 14 Con-
109 FAR
Farland John P. (Wakeman & F.) 43 w Pratt
Farley Miss Alice, 5 n Frederick
Farley Thomas, laborer, 24 Abbot
Farlow John T., grocer, 226 s Broadway, h 135
Farlow John T. (F. & Humphreys,) Bank
Farlow (John T.) & Humphreys (Thomas W.)
pr. livery stables, 34 Lancaster
Farmer Elizabeth, 200 Scott
Farmer John, drayman, 9 Lancaster
Farmer Philip, china store, 21 n Eutaw
Farmers and Merchant's bank, n w cor Lomb'd
and South
Farmers and Planter's bank, 17 South
Farnan Albert, finisher, 52 s Schroeder
Farnan Peter, grocer, 108 Bank, h 106
Farnan James, 68 James lane
Farnan Bernard, grocer, 186 Gough
Farnan Michael, 131 William
Farnandis John A., barber, 204 s Broadway
Farnandis Walter, jr., attorney, 2 Spurriers'
court, Lexington, h 20 Hollins
Farnandis Walter, h 48 Hanover
Farnow John, laborer, 190 s Dallas
Farnsworth John, tinner, 37 Bevan al
Farquhar George A., 13 Chatsworth
Farquhar Thos. N., gas fitter, 219 n Canal
agent, 82 Ex. buildings, h 42 e Lombard
Farquharson Francis L., saddle and harness
maker, 10 s Calvert
Keeps constantly on hand a large
assortm't of the above articles,
made of the best materials and
will be sold at the Lowest prices.
Repairing done with dis-
Farqnharson James, property agent, 29 s Gay,
h 14 s Broadway
Farr Samuel, watchman, 29 Valery
Parrell Alice tav., 15 s Front
Farrell Bridget, 11 Buren
Farrell Fredk., laborer, 29 Jordan al
Farrell James, gro and liq. deal., 36 East
Farrell Mary, 50 Bethel
Farrell Mary, 128 Garden
Farrell Michael, laborer, 20 s Front
Farrell Patrick, stone cutter, 19 w Madison
Farrell Patrick, laborer, 1 Hampstead
Farrell Patrick, laborer, 19 s Frederick
Farrell Sarah & Elizabeth, Fowler embroiderers
97 e Fayette
Farrell Thomas, mate, 17 Washington