EVITT ROBERT, ladies' shoemaker, cor High
st and Eastern av
Ewald John P. edge tool maker, 70 s Caroline
Ewald J. P. edge tool manufacturer, 25 w Pratt
Ewaldt Auguste, firm James Myer & Co. 99 Penn-
sylvania av
Ewaldt Dorothea S. 99 Pennsylvania av
Ewalt Casper, laborer, 27 n Dallas
Ewalt Philip, carter, 22 Hampstead
Ewalt Samuel, s w cor Poppleton st and Wagon al
Ewell John, blacksmith, 32 Montgomery
Ewell Thomas, n w cor Frederick st & Smith's al
Ewig John, tailor, 40 s Schroeder
Ewin John, mathematical instrument maker, Wills
Ewing John, 58 York av
Ewing John, carpenter, Madison w of Buren
Ewing Robert L. machinist, Poppleton bet. Pratt
and Lombard
Ewing Simuel W. ladies' shoemaker, 42 Somerset
Ewing Samuel, shoemaker, Chew e of Canal
Ewing Thomas W. clerk, Chew w of Eden
Ewing Wm carpenter, Columbia e of Poppleton
Extine Christian, milkman, Chapel st s w from
Pennsylvania av
Eyerly Jacob S. agent for Adams & Co's express
74 Pine
Eyler John, shoemaker, 226 German,
Eyre Chas. glove cleaner, w end Lexington st. n side
Eytinge Samuel, furniture and variety store, n w
cor Howard and Marion, dw 27 Marion
Eytinge S. furniture and variety store, 86 Balti-
more, dw 75 Lexington
FABER CONRAD, laborer, Regester s of Pratt
Faber Frederick, laborer, Fountain st w Castle al
Faber John, umbrella mender, 59 Park
Faber John, carpenter, Regester s of Pratt
Faber Wm. tobacconist, 26 Brune
Fade Anthony, Neighbor w of Briton
Faeskel Moses, dealer, Forest near Gay
Fagan Owen, drayman, 74 n Exeter
Fagan Patrick, carriage driver, Walsh al e Paca st
Fagan Robert, trader, 179 Columbia
Fagan Thomas, laborer, 106 Dugan's whf
FAGELY & CO. coal dealers, n w cor Lombard
and Eden. See card
FAGELY & ROBINS, coal office, 58 Baltimore
yard cor Eden and Lombard
Faghter Wm. tobacconist, 83 Orleans
Fagret Lucilla, ladies' hair dresser, n w cor Lex-
ington and Liberty
Faher Thomas, sand hauler, 403 n Gay
Faherty Charles, bridge builder, 199 Eastern av
Fahery Timothy J. carpenter, 70 Russ, shop 51 Bid-
dle al
Fahnestock Der. firm C. Brooks, Son & Co. 238 w
Fahnestock Edward, clerk, 23S w Fayette
Fahnestock Levin, firm Porter & F. 287 w Fayette
Fahnestock Peter & Sun, oyster and fruit dealers,
70 Pearl, dw P. F. 287 w Fayette
Fahs Amelia, 24 Jackson
Fahs Michael, cooper, s extreme Sharp st
Fairbaak Christopher, boot and shoe maker, 134 e
Fairbank Edward, ship smith, Bank w Washington
Fairbank Henry, horse trader, 2 McHenry
Fairbank Jas. A. soap stone worker, 360 Lexington
Fairbanks Drury, band and square box maker, 212
Fairbanks Henry, carpenter, 237 Franklin
L Fairbanks Jackson, engineer, 46 McHenry
Fairbanks John, conductor Washington R. R. 381
w Lombard
Fairbanks Capt. Noah, steamboat, 129 s Exeter
Fairchild Wm. tailor, 145 Monument
Fairchild Wm. firm Hopkins & F. 31 Chew
Fairpoint Hannah, 10 n Greene
Fait Amelia, confectionery and fancy store, 64
Fait John, shoemaker, 64 Mulberry
Faithful Henry, bricklayer, Chatsworth near Geo.
Faithful Joseph, daguerian artist, n e cor Eutaw
and Lexington
Faithful Margaret, midwife, Chatsworth near
Faithful Wm. printer, Chatsworth near George
Faithful Wm. bricklayer, 76 George
Faitz Eliza, Chester s of Bank
Falbright Francis, laborer, Canton av w of Port al
FALCONOR JOHN H. attorney at law, 10 Coun-
sellor's Hall, 46 Lexington, dw 173 Fayette
Falconor John, clerk R. R. 109 Sharp
Falconor Jonathan, clerk, 107 Sharp
Fales Ebenezer C. 109 Fremont
Fales James G. pilot, Ann s of Gough
Fales Nathan, moulder, 173 Aisquirth
Fales Squire M. millwright, 102 n Exeter
FALK JOHN M. cabinet and piano maker, Car-
penter's al e of Fremont
Fallar Geo. cooper, 129 s Spring
Fallen John, weaver, 49 Preston
Fallon Mary, 13 French
Falls J. C. watchman, 95 Conway
Falls Sally, 202 Fremont, or north extremity