Falls More M. President Baltimore Steam Packet
Co. foot Concord st. dw 21 n Culvert
Falls Wm. weaver, 20 Harmony lane
Faltz & Co. proprietors lottery office, 169 w Pratt
Fanger Jno, tailor, n e cor Canton av & Choptank st
Fanger John, tailor, 14 Mullikin
FANGMEYER JOHN, tobacconist, 15 Broadway
Fannen Joana, Castle al s of Pratt
Fannin Luke, laborer, 308 Forrest
Fannin Patrick, laborer, 213 Forrest
Fanning John, laborer, 28 New Church
Fant Lorenzo, shoemaker, 11 Harrison
Fantom Wm. T. chair maker, 133 n Eden
Farball Francis J. blacksmith, 258 n Canal
Fardwell Isaac, wood dealer, 27 Hill
Fardy John T. ship carpenter, Lee w of Charles
Farland John F. dw 51 Fawn
Farley Miss Alice, 5 n Frederick
Farley John, machinist, Exeter s of Eastern av
Farley Thomas, labjrer, 16 East
Farlow & Humphreys, Eastern stables, 44 and 46
Farlow John T. grocer, 220 Broadway, dw Bank e
of Regesler
Farmer John, drayman, 15 Lancaster
Farmer Philip, tinner, cor Eutaw and Dexington,
dw cor Eutaw and Marion
Farmer Philip, china store, n e cor Eutaw & Marion
Farmer Terry, laborer, 105 Stirling
Farmer Wm. butcher, 173 Pennsylvania av
Farmers' and Merchant's bank, n w cor Lombard
and South
Farnan Bernard, grocer, Gough cor Wolf
FARNANDIS SAMUEL, insurance adjuster, of-
fice 44 Lombard st. Exchange Place, dw n e cor
Camden and Sharp sts
Farnandis Walter, jr. attorney, 1 Spurrier's court,
Lexington, dw 16 Hollins
Farnandis Walter, iron master, dw 48 Hanover
Farney Michael, laborer, 81 William
Farquhar George A. dry goods merchant, 233 Lex-
FARQUHARSON CHARLES, real estate agent,
2d floor of Exchange Buildings, entrance 2d st
Farquharson Charles, property agent, dw 40e Lom-
Farquharson F. L. saddle and harness maker 10 s
FARQUHARSON JAMES, property agent, 29 s
Gay, dw 18 s Broadway
Farr Peter, machinist, 12 Fish market
Farr Samuel, butcher, Valery n of Neighbor
Farrall Michael, laborer, 22 s Front
Farrall Sarah and Elizabeth Fowler, embroiderers,
95 e Fayette
Farrals Charles, ship carpenter, Essex st Canton
Farran Margaret, Boyd bet Poppleton and Amity
Farrell Elisha, moulder, 10 York av
Farrell Geo machinist, 115 Fremont
Farrell James, laborer. Cathedral st near North, av
Farrell John, laborer, 28 Potter
Farrell Capt. Joshua, 197 Canton
Farrell Margaret, 5 Rock
Farrell Michael, laborer, 21 Haw
Farrell Mrs. Castle al s of Pratt
Farrell Patrick, laborer, 15 s Front
Farrell Pat. laborer, Jones's Falls rear Cathedral
Farrell Thomas, 16 Preston
Farrell Wm. H. blacksmith, 51 McHenry
Farrell Wm. Peirce w of Fremont
Farren Battley, laborer, s w cor North & Foundry
Farring Augustus, harness maker, 395 n Gay
Farringer Catherine, 148 n Caroline
Farringer Charles, soap & candle factor, 5 Liberty
al, dw 154 n Exeter
Farrow Joseph, dry goods merchant, 655 Baltimore
Farrow Lamson, dry goods dealer, 513 Baltimore
Farson Elizabeth, confectionei, Lombard w Spring
Fartiz Franz, shoemaker, 65 n Frederick
Farver John, milk dealer, Point lane e from Har-
ford road
Fasbender C. P. watch maker. 303 w Pratt
Foubel Charles, shoemaker, 231 Wolf
Faucett James, shoemaker, Madison e of Bond
Faucett John, shoemaker, s w cor Bond & Madison
Faucett Michael, shoemaker, Madison st n of York
Faulac Anthony, broker, 316 e Baltimore
Faulkner John, dw 266 Lexington
Faulkner Wm. huckster, Castle al s of Pratt st
Foulter John, tailor, Eager s of Somerset
Fauncope Louis, tailor, Canal s of Lombard
Faunsworth John, stove maker, 150 s Charles
Fauple John, shoemaker, 24 East
Faust Nicholas, laborer, 263 s Durham
Favier John, watchman, Hamburg e of Charles
Favier Peter A. gun maker, 67 w Pratt, dw Balti-
more near Regester
Fawcus Robert, shoemaker, 19 Potter
Faxon & Andrews, architects, Monument w of St.
Faxon Eben. firm F. & Andrews, — n Charles
Fay Fordyce, currier, 52 Granby