Child Samuel, coachmaker, 33 n Gay, dvv 33 e Fay-
CHILD WM. commission merchant and coal deal-
er, 78 South, dw n w cor Calvert And Saratoga
Childs Charles, bricklayer, 133 Fremont
Childs Elizabeth, 162 German
Childs Enos R. justice of peace, 2s Front, dw 62 s
Childs John D grocer, n w cor Forrest and Gay, dw
Biddle s of Garden
Childs Mrs. Mary, lailoress, 118 Hollins
Childs Sarah J. 105 Preston
Childs Zachariah, carter, 177 Orleans
Chilton Martha, 110 n Paca
Chilton Robert P. commission merchant, office East-
ern Shore steamboat Co. 94 Light st wharf, dw
110 n Para
China Samuel, weaver, 139 n Fremont
Chink Martin, laborer, Fountain »t w of Castle al
Chipman George. —— Front st
Chisholrn Ann Eliza, tailoress, 235 Eastern av
Chiverel James, pilot, 219 Canton nw
Choale Edward, boot maker. 108 Hill
Chost George, shoemaker, 22 New Church
Chrispan John, cigar maker, 132 Canton av
Christ Jacob, grocer, s w cor Fort and William
Christ Jacob, grocer, n w cor Bank and Eden
Christ Philip, store keeper, 45 Philpot
Christ Wm. butcher. 119 Ensor
Christhilf Henry, cedar cooper, dw 258 Mulberry
Christian Ellen, Durham st s of Baltimore
Christian Richard, grocer, 29 Eastern av
Christie Edward, book keeper, Franklin bank, 190
Christie Michael, blacksmith. 117 Peirce
Christner Joseph, potter, 32 n Poppleton
Christopher Jane, 98 North
Christopher John, blacksmith, 15 Pine
Christopher Joseph, watchman, 72 Raborg
Christopher Josiah, pattern maker, 260 n Canal
Christopher Mich. blacksmith, Pratt st. near Fre-
mont, shop Dawsen al
CHRISTOPHER NICHOLAS, dry goods dealer,
197 Broadway
Christopher, Wm. tailor, 242 Saratoga
Christy Henry, 67 Union,
Christy John, laborer, Herring row n of Eastern av
Christy Robert, contractor, Lombard w Wolf
Chronnelly Michael, laborer, 3 French
Chrystal John, grocer, n e cor Gay and Forrest
Chubb Henry, cooper, 9 Slernmer al
Chunson John, blacksmith, 11 Harmony lane
Church Ann, 116 w Faycettw
Church Ann M teacher, 380 w Lombard
CHURCH EDWARD J. wholesale and retail lum-
ber and shingle merchant, cor Aisquith and
Monument, dw 212 Aisquith
Church Thomas, butcher, 52 Ensor
Church Wm. lieut. watch, 10 Stirling
Chutze Francis W. salesman, 115 Pearl
Cilley Joel, millwright, 104 Albemarle
Cinkan Adam, sawyer, 36 Preston
Cinnamond George R. conveyancer, 41 w Fayette
Cinnamond John, confectioner, 18 Rock
Cinnamond John, paper carrier, n w cor Moore al
and L Monument st
Cinnamond Morehead, grocer, s e cor Eutaw st and
Eutaw court
Circuit Court, Baltimore co. s e cor St. Paul and
Ciss Francis, laborer, 133 n Spring
CITIZENS' BANK, n e cor Pratt and Hanover
liday st
lee clerk, city Hall, Holliday st
City Hall, Hoiliday st. between Fayette and Sara-
toga, in which are the Mayor's office, City Col-
lector's, Register's, Comrs' and Health offices
City Hotel, L. Barnum proprietor, cor Calvert and
Fayette sts
CLABAUGH E. A. & WM. H. proprietors Foun-
tain Hotel, Light st near Baltimore
Clackner Granville F. cabinet ware-room, 144 n
Gay, dw Baltimore e of Broadway
Clackner Capt. Joseph, insurance inspector, Lom-
bard st opposite Exchange, dw 7 Aisquith
Clagget John, brewer, 244 Madison
Claggett Thomas J. 96 n Exeter
Claggelt Thomas, 143 e Lombard
Clagget Wm. & Co. brewers, e Lombard, adjoining
the falls
Clampilt Elias, firm C. & Register,dw 226 Saratoga
CLAMPITT & REGISTER, brass and bell foun-
ders, 53 Holliday
Clapp Ann, 142 n High
Clapp Christopher C. painter, 220 Eastern av
Clapp George, hatter, 60 Hillen
Clapp George C. hatter, Jefferson 1 door from Ais-
Clapp Mary E. dress maker, 85 Peirce
Clare Isaac, grocer, s w cor Lee and Hanover
Clare Thomas J agent Baltimore Shot Tower, dw
Hollins st extended