Chapin Horace E. dentist, 93 w Fayette
Chapman Alien A. firm Kirkland, Chase & Co. n e
cor Preston and McCulloch
Chapman Ann B. 139 Madison
Chapman James B. machinist, 211 e Lombard
CHAPMAN JOHN LEE, proprietor Maryland
glass works, cor Lancaster and Caroline, store 40 s
Charles, dw 73 e Baltimore
Chapman Jonathan J. agent at glassworks, 139 e
Chapman Nimrod, shoemaker, 69 Ross
Chappell & Harris, dealers in hats, caps and straw
goods, s e cor Baltimore and Sharp
Chappell John G. firm C. & Harris, dw 61 Con way
Chappell John, 106 Lexington
CHAPPELL P. STOCKTON, chemist, 160 1/2
Lombard, dw 79 s Sharp
Chapell Philip S. allum factory, cor West, Cross &
Covington sts
Chappell Samuel M. oil and camphine dealer, 158
Lombard, dw Fayette w of Howard. See card
Charles Benj. teacher grammar school No. 5, 234
Charles Henry, smelter, Cotton Factory row, Can-
Charles John, carpenter, 129 n Frernont
Charles John, carpenter, 6 Hull's lane
Charles Wm. laborer, 283 s Dallas
Charlton John, rope maker, Mullikin e of Broad-
Charron John B. firm Bartholo, Tiffany & Co. dw
281 Saratoga
Chase A. S. firm C. Lilly & Co. dw 42 Courtland
Chase & Co's Express office, 3 Jarvis Buildings,
Chase Daniel, firm Kirkland, C. & Co. 236 Madi-
son av
Chase Hannibal H. brickrnaker, 111 Conway
Chase Isaac H. ladies' shoemaker. 261 n Howard
Chase Jeremiah F. justice Peace, Boston e Chester,
CHASE, LILLY & CO. domestic and commission
merchants, 10 and 12 German
Chase Mary, 235 Eastern av
Chase Mary Ann, 189 s Ann
Chase Mary Ann, 17 Diamond
Chase Mary Ann, Etna lane
Chase Sarah, 186 Aisquith
Chase Thorndyke, 91 Broadway
CHASE WELLS, commission merchant and man-
ufacturer, warehouse 6 s Howard, dw 1 L. Paca
Chassaingr P. J. 47 Centre
Chasteau Capt. Lewis A. 53 e Pratt
Chatard Capt. Frederick, 50 Centre
Chatard Dr. F. E s w cor Charles and Lexington
Chement George W. ship carpenter, Wolf n Lan-
Chemical Factory, e end Cross st. R. Popplein pro-
Cheney Cornelius, 43 Stirling
Cheney Reverdy, morocco dresser, 126 Aisquith
Chenoweth Absalom, 145 Ensor
Chenoweth Benj F. machinist, Lombard w Wolf
Chenoweth Catherine, grocer, 39 Preston
Chenoweth Hor. bottler, 57 George
Chenoweth Mary Ann, 252 n Gay
Chenoweth Richard B. clerk, 269 n Gay
Chenoweth Thomas, carpenter, 47 Henrietta
Cherbonnier Peter, 9 Franklin Square Carey st
Cherry Edward, tobacconist, cor Greene and Bal-
Cherry James W. shoemaker, 560 Saratoga
Cherry Dr. M. J. firm Cassell & Cherry, s w cor
Baltimore and Liberty
Cherry Wm. 254 e Fayette
CHEASAPEAKE BANK, s e corner of North and
Chesebrough Capt. Robert C dw 41 Fawn
Chesney Benjamin, wheelwright, 136 n Eden
Chesney Edwin D. primer, 246 Aisquith
CHESNEY SAMUEL, coal dealer, 31 1-2 South
st. opposite Water
Chesnut Charles, Gough e Bond
Chesnut Gerard, inspector customs, Bond s Balt.
Chesnut Saml. cork cut. 40 sCalvert, dw 36 Spring
CHESNUT WM. grocer and commission mer-
chant, n w cor South and Pratt sts. dw 104 e Bal-
Chester Wm. shoeing smith, 11 Pleasant, dw 13
Cheston Galloway, firm J. C. & Son, 39 s Sharp
Cheston J. & Sons, millers and shippers, cor Pat-
terson and Cable
Cheswick Wm. cooper, 50 n Eden
Cheval Bernard, blacksmith, 10 Eutaw ct
Cheveland George, Cambridge st
Cheveland John. Cambridge st Canton
Chew Conrad, laborer, Regester st s of Gough
Cheyney Edith, teacher, 42 n Liberty
Chibler John, tailor, 27 n Dallas
Chibrel Alexander, tailor, 44 Jackson
Chichester George, watchman, Harford av w Eager
CHICKERING E. C. bookseller and stationer, 196
w Pratt
Chiffele Thomas P. city surveyor and civil engi-
neer, s w cor North and Fayette, dw 48 Centre