Selway Robert, tanner, n e cor Carey and Saratoga
Semon David, brickmaker, 95 Columbia
Semone Conrad, painter, 235 Columbia
Semont Wm. brickmaker, 318 s Charles
Semnes Mrs. sextr Sharp
Sendelback John, saddler, 23 w Lombard
Senderling Jno. prop. Jenny Lind Hotel, 91 n Front
Sendleback Henry, laborer, s Eastern av
Sendleback John, Bond st s Eastern av
Sener Thos. boat builder, Caroline s of Lancaster
Sener Thomas, boat builder, 10 Philpot
Seney Sophia, 130 Pine
Senfi Henry, candle maker, 325 Mulberry
Sensner Johnson, blacksmith, Durham n Lombard
Sepple Matthias, caulker, 141 s Spring
Sepson Daniel, painter, 26 Oregon
Serex George, Fell s of Thames
Sergert George, shoemaker, 19 Park
Sermon John, ship carpenter, Lombard e Broadw'y
Sertz Henry, Hour and feed dealer, 311 s Bond
Servary Achsah's variety store, 115 Saratoga
Servdry John Peter, 123 n Paca
Sarvary Lewis, assist, clerk City Court, 132 n Paca
Server Albert, stove maker, Chew w of Aisquith
Server Ann, 217 Wolf
Server Wm. H. morocco dresser. 116 n Eden
Serwood Benj. restaurant, 20 s Spring
Session Augustus, fisher, Hamburg e Johnson
Seth Wm. George, grocer, Lee w of Charles
Setten James machinist, 32 Maiden lane
Seurners Henry, distiller, 87 Albemarle
Severe & Hayghe, sail makers, 2 Spear's wharf
Severe Wm. firm S. & Hayghe, dw Pratt w Ann
Severs Henry, wheelwright, 34 Barre
Severs Wm. R. broker, 54 n Liberty
Severson Margaret, 5 L Gough
Sevier James, wheelwright, 115 n Canal
Sevier Robert H. shoemaker 85 e Fayette
Seving John R provision dealer, Caroline s Pratt
Sevoy Bazil, brickmaker, cor Bevan and Hamburg
Sevron John, milkman, Smith st nr Penn'a av
Sewall John D. 65 Raborg
Sewall Rev. Reuben, sail maker, 74 Bank
Sewall Thos. R. druggist and apothecary, 130 Lee
Seward Charles, carpenter, 101 Wolf
Seward James, collector, Canton av w Wash'n st
Seward James, ship joiner, 241 s Bond
Seward John Augustus, sailor, 29 Hill
Seward Wm. ship carver, Fountain st w Castle al
SEWELL & CO. foreign and domestic dry goods
dealers, 315 Baltimore
Sewell Daniel, blacksmith, 156 McHenry
Sewelt Eliza, 86s Paca
Sewell James H. blacksmith, 21 Calendar
Sewell, Janney & Owings, wholesale grocers, 97 W:
Sewell Richard, firm Dailey & Co. dw 90 n Eutaw
Sewell Richard, clerk, 255 Biddle
Sewell Salomon, cooper, 112 s Eden
Sewell Thos. H. run. Franklin Bank, 106 Hill
Sewell Thomas S. carpenter, Bank e Washington
Sewell Thomas, sen. firm T. S. & Son, Penn'a av
n of Wilson st
Sewell Thomas, jr. firm T. S. & Son, tanners and
curriers, Penn'a av n of Wilson st
Sewell Trustum, machinist, 252 e Pratt
Sewell Wm. R. blacksmith, 483 w Lombard
Sexton Dr. Richard, 97 Lexington
Sexton S. B. firm J. Weatherby & Co, dw Columbia
w of Dover
Seybert Frederick, laborer, Regesters Alice Anna
Seybert Henry, laborer, 189 s Durham
SEYLER FRED'K & CO. curriers and leather
dealers, 22s Liberty, dw F. S. 115 Lexington
Seymour John Adam, laborer, 311 s Bond
Seymour Nichs. laborer, Alice Anna w of Wolf
Seymour Zachariah, tinner, 238 e Pratt
Seys Rev. John, agent State Colonization Society,
228 w Fayette
Shaard Wm. locksmith, 444 w Pratt
Shabbleen John, boot fitter, 232 s Bond
Shaberg Herman, tailor, 6 e Wafer
Shackleford Lewis, pilot, Gough e of Regester
Shada Jacob, laborer, 240 s Dallas
Shade George, carpet weaver, 42 Penn'a av
Shaeffer Michael, furniture wagoner, 91 Orchard
Shael Jacob, basket maker, Division s of Wilson
Shafrr E. A. boarding house, Cathedral nr Oliver
Shaferman flarraan, laborer, s extr. Light
Shaffer David, grocer, 156 n Canal
Shaffer Francis, glue maker, Columbia nr Popplen
Shaffer Frederick L. lumber mercht. dw 91 Gough
Shaffer George, ship joiner, Pratt e of Wolf
Shaffer George, clerk, 46 Henrietta
Shaffer Henry, carpenter, Penn'a av extd.
Shaffer James, tanner, 163 Madison
Shaffer John, engineer, 32 Barre
Shaffer Mr. laborer, Canton av w Canon st
Shaffer Thomas, cooper, Bank e of Regester
Shaffner Jacob, artificial flower manuf. 74 Balt.
Shaffner Wm. bacon curer, Henrietta w Howard
Shaler Conrad, porter, 17 n Sharp
Shaller Frederick, turner, 218 Alice Anna
Shally Hugh, laborer, 94 French