Sears Hannah, confectioner, 194s Howard
Sears John K. firm M. & S. cor Hanover & Conway
Sears Thomas, machinist, 145 Hollins
Seabold Henry, collector, %24t Aisquith
Seasel Bartholomew, tailor, Bond st s Eastern av
Seaton John S. firm Horsey, Seaion & Myers, dw
111 German
Sebbel John, carter, 458 Lexington
Sebo George, tavern, 40 Lee
Sebreze George, 193 Washington
Secamp Leypold, shoemaker, Columbia w Fremont
Seccombe Joseph, carpenter, Chew w of Eden
Seccombe Thomas, carpenter, 227 Aisquith, shop
w Fayette
Secherman Michael, grocer, 42 Holland
Sederberg Wrn T. finisher, 15 Hollins Market
Seclinger Peter, laborer, Regester s Alice Anna
Seeger Francis, shoemaker, n w cor Amity and
SEEGER JACOB, silver plater, 23 German. See
Seelamt Gerhard H. shoemaker, 112 Dugan's whf
Seeman Andrew Henry, mariner, 1G1 s Bond
Seeman Wm. earler, 182 Fremont
Seemes Mary, boarding house, 27 Holliday
SEEMULLER A. & SON, tobacco and cigar
merchants, warehouse 44 w Lombard, dw 21 n
Seener Thomas, boat builder, 31 Lancaster
Seese Adam, laborer, Regester s of Alice Anna
Sects John, prop, meat store, 11 s Puppleton
Seever John, laborer, Exeter st s of Eastern av
Seevers A. F. & W. R. cotton brokers, 73 Exchange
Seevers A. F. firm. A. F. & W. R. S. dw 85 Frank'n
Seevers Wm. R. firm A. F. & W. R. S. 54 n Liberty
Selton Jer. coach maker, 29 French
Segan John, laborer, 116 Lancaster
Segers Francis, clerk, 86 n Eden
Segle Thomas, watchman, 218 n Eden
Segler Samuel, dyer, 174 s B tnd
Seholz Ernst, piano maker, 19 New
Sehrt John T. grocer, Pratt nr Oregon
Sehultheis Andrew, painter, 218 Alice Anna
Seibert Mrs. R. corset maker, 103 e Baltimore
Seibeld Michael, baker, 327 Saratoga
Seidenstncker John B. Caroline n of Chase
Seidenstricker John W. tobacconist, Lombard st e of
Seiblen Mricker & Son, tobacconists, 15 Centre Mkt.
Seifender Gershom, 177 Alice Anna
Seiford Adam, grocer, cor Charles and Cross
Seigleman Henry, male, Ann s of Lombard
Seiglestein Yorrick, Vine w of Schroeder
Seigman John G. coffee roaster, 79 Ensor
Seim Henry, cooper, 38 n Front
Seim John, furn. wagoner, 266 Alice Anna
Seimon Christopher, shoemaker, 413 Lexington
Seip John, cheese dealer, 41 Lancaster
Seipel Conrad, tailor, 82 Centre Market
Seipes George, laborer, 122 William
Seipp Christopher, tavern. 107 Light st wharf
Seite Charles, tavern, 32 e Pratt
Seitz Charles, shoemaker, 36 n Liberty
Seitz George, baker, 280 s Bond
Seitz Henry, tobacconist, 105 Thames
Seitz Henry, tobacconist, 298 s Bond
Selby Aaron, rigger, 89 Granby
Selby John S. agent Maryland Institute, 38 n High
Selby Robert, tanner, Saratoga bet Carey and Re-
SELDNER A's ready made clothing establish-
ment, 107 n Gay. See card
Selig Kanigunde, Bond st s of Canton av
Seliger & Bro. dry goods merchants, 7 e Baltimore,
dw Ploughman cor Front
Seliger Jewell. dry goods deal, cor Front & Plow'n
Seliger Joseph, dry goods dealer, 8 s Front
Seligman Simon, cigar maker, Frederick st cor of
Smith's al
Selinger Adam, tailor. Spring n of Holland
Seller John, tailor, Penn. av extended
Sellers Abraham, merchant, Albemarle s Granby
Sellers Jacob, carpenter, n e cor Poppleton & Lex-
ington, shop 28 Raborg
Sellers John, blacksmith, 32 Rock
Sellers Mr. laborer, 81 Albemarle
Sellers Sophia's, seminary, 103 Pearl
Sellman Alexander, firm J. C. S. &. Son, cor Frank-
lin and Park
Sellman Conrad, wheelwright, Lombard e Canal
Sellman Frederick, laborer. 38 Lewis
SELLMAN JAMES C. & SON, wholesale gro-
cers, 29 Cheapsule, dw J. C. S. 72 St. Paul
Sellman John, blacksmith, 185 s Ann
Sellman Wm. blacksmith, Fountain st w Castle al
Sellmo George, mariner, 319 Eastern av
Seltzer Lewis butcher, 25 Hoffman
Seltzer Margaret, Baltimore st e of Chester
Selvage Thos. of city horse market tavern, Plow-
man, dw 47 n Exeter
Selvage Thos. prop. American House, Plowman st
Selvert Michael, laborer, Canton av w Port al
Selway Frederick, ship carpenter, 76 William