Roach John, painter, 22 n Exeter
Roach Maria, 161 Madison
Roach Morris, trunk maker, Dover w Fremont
Roach Sarah, 172 w Lombard
Roade Adam, cooper, 251 Canton av
Roads Win. clerk, 68 Hill
Roark Wm. grocer, n w cor Lomb'd & Schroeder
Robb John, officer in bank, Lombard w of Spring
Robb John, bank clerk, 5 Broadway
Robb John T. of steamboat, Lombard e of Ann
Robb John A. ship builder, Thames e Wolf, dw
Broadway cor of Pratt
Robb Joseph, paper hanger, 150 Lee
Robb Maria, 92 Gough
Robb Moses, peddler, 141 Orleans
Robbins Benj. coal merchant, cor Lombard & Eden
ROBBINS & BIBB, proprietors Baltimore stove
house, 39 Light
Bobbins H. R. firm R. & Bibb, Oak Grove, n e cor
George and Fremont
Robbins Horace W. firm Hayward, Bartlett & Co.
dw 4 Hollins
Robbins John, mariner, 33 Hill
ROBBINS MOSES S. apothecary and druggist,
n e cor Light and Hughes
Robbins Wm E. mariner, 82 Orleans
Robert John B. mate, Pleasant al w Castle al
Robert Wm. mariner, 110 Canton av
Roberts Alex. ship carpenter, 235 Alice Anna
Roberts Andrew, Clinton st Canton
Roberts Charles, tobacconist, 141 Lexington, dw
Roberts Charles, Letter's row, near Moale st
Roberts Edward, 272 w Lombard
Roberts Dr. G. C. M. office and dw 125 Hanover
ROBERTS HENRY T. merchant tailor, 14 St
Paul dw 312 Lexinsrton
Roberts Hugh, pilot, 230 Alice Anna
Roberts Isaac G. letter carrier, 154 e Monument
Roberts Jane, 250 Aisquith
Roberts John, carp. McCullorh near Dolphin
Roberts Jno. omnibus driv. Morris al nr. Dolphin s
Roberts John, mariner, 255 Alice Anna
Roberts John, weaver, 113 Peirce
Roberts Capt. John, mariner, 175 s Ann
Roberts Jno. Joseph, chemist and druggist, 42 e Balt
Roberts Jos. apothecary, cor York & Harford avs.
Roberts Joseph, ship carpenter, 20 Gittings
Roberts Joseph, ship carp. 15 Washington, F. Hill
Roberts Joshua, plasterer, 197 Ensor
Roberts Owen, blacksmith, Concord s of Lombard
dw Alice Anna
loberts Thomas, engineer, 108 Light
loberts Wash. plasterer, 152 Chesnut
Roberts Wm agent B. & O. R. R. 112 s Paca
Roberts William, 139 Vine
Roberts William G. 282 Aisquith
Robertson C. Wm. printer, 1 Hill
Robertson David, engineer, Madison e of Caroline
Roberlson E M cedar cooper, 22 n Howard
Robertson G. M. general com. & ship mt 75 South
st Bowly's wharf
Robertson Jesse, tailor, 178 n Eden
Robey Elizabeth, Chester s of Bank
Robey Townly B. keeper Three Tons tavern, cor
Pratt & Paca
Robins H. W. treas. Md. Soap Stone Co. 376 '8 w
Robins John, seaman, 24 G. Hughes
Robinson Dr. Alex. C. s e cor Pine & Balt dw 491
Robinson Alex. rope maker, 491 Saratoga
Robinson Alpheus, carp. 180 East, dw 194 Chesnut
Robinson Andrew, porter, 2 Addison
Robinson Ann J. 58 Fremont
Robinson Ann Eliza, 2 Buren
Robinson Angus, grocer, cor Point lane & Hi'd road
Robinson Catherine, shoe binder, 277 n Howard
Robinson Catherine, 31 Center
Robinson Catherine, 44 Orleans
Robinson Charles, porter, 84 Stirling
Robinson Brown, weaver, 9 Pear al
Robinson David, machinist, 81 Hamburg
Robinson Daniel, oyster dealer, 278 Fayette
Robinson Dennis, huckster, Pleasant al w of Castle
ROBINSON E. W. agent for the sale of tickets in,
all Md. State lotteries, dw eor Balt & Holiday
Robinson Edwd. W. lottery and exchange office, 4
Holiday, dw 84 e Baltimore
Robinson Edward W. firm E. Whitman & Co. dw
95 Broadway
Robinson Elias carp. Cambridge st Canton
Robinson Elias, carp. Monument e of Broadway
Robinson Elizabeth, milliner and trim, dealer, 110
Robinson Francis J. comb maker, 21 York av
Robinson Frederick, stone cutter, 83 Peirce
Robinson George M. shipper, 8 e Lombard
Robinson G. W. firm R. Lord & Co. dw 86 n Chas.
Robinson George W brickmaker, 290 e Baltimore
Robinson Henry A. clerk of Water Co. 126 Lomb'd
Robinson Henry B. daguerreotypist, Dallas s Mad-
Robinson Hunter, hog dealer. 108 St. Mary