Luding Charles, mariner, 225 Wolf
Ludlow A. betw Madison, Hoffman & McColloch
Ludlow Henrietta, 12 Hillen
Ludlow Thomas, laborer, Poppleton n of Columbia
Ludough Jact b, ship carpenter, 106 Eastern av
Ludwick John A. tailor, 117 Saratoga
Ludwick John, marble cutter, Regester s of Alice
Ludwig Andrew, blacksmith. Lemon nr Poppleton
Ludwig John, beer brewer, 53 n Frederick
Luke Charles F. libr'n German library, 64 n Paca
Luke Francis, painter, 176 n Caroline
LUMSDEN JOHN, grocer and commission mer-
chant, 44 Cheapside, dw 23 s High
Lumsden Robert, grocer, 30 Albernarle
Lungletz Wm. locksmith, 232 Hanover
Lunt Thomas H. machinist, 6 Buren
Luntz John, laborer, Cambridge st
Luntz Conrad, tailor, 90 Eastern av
Lupton Francis, (California) 123 e Baltimore
Lurman G. W. firm Oelricks & L. dw 63 Franklin
Lusby Amelia, Ann n of Pratt
Lusby C deb F. tailor, 7 s Caroline
Lusby Edward R. clerk, 39 n High
Lusby Henry, S. Paul st s Masonic Hall
Lusby John D. ship carpenter, 119 Bank
Lusby Misses, 63 Barre
Lusby Robert H. merchant tailor, 42 s Calvert, dw
115 German
Lusby Wm. merchant tailor, 42s Calvert
Lushbaugh Benjamin F. grocer, n w cor Exeter and
Lusk John, carpenter, 73 s Eden
Lust John, ale wagoner, 115 St. Mary
Lusking John, tailor, 51 s Caroline
Lusson Charles, laborer, Fountain st w of Castle al
LUSTNAUER CHARLES, grocer, Pennsylvania
av near the gate
Lustner John, grocer, Pennsylvania av extended
Latches Henry, shoemaker, Bond st s Eastern av
Luthcart Casper, cooper, 51 Easter av
Luther John, weaver, 36 e Lombard
Luthold Catherine, 140 Pearl
Luthold Christian S. printer, Ogston betw Franklin
and Peirce
Lutta Leonard, laborer, 250 s Bond
Lulls Conrad, scissors grinder, 172 Stirling
Lutts Elizabeth A. 121 Madison
Lutts George laborer. Spring s of Fayette
Lutts John F. proprietor Baltimore & Philadelphia
House, 33 w Pratt
Lutts Joseph, laborer, 73 n Spring
Lutz Adam, beer brewer, 30 Fell
Lutz Charles F. E. grocer, 37 Pine
Lutz Charles, ship joiner, 263 Eastern av
Lutz C. Frederick, carpenter, 19 Calendar
Lutz Conrad, laborer, 21 Perry
Luiz Frederick, shoemaker, 119 s Howard
Lutz John, blacksmith & wheelwright, 49 Lancaster
Lutz John, blacksrniih, 274 s Bond
Lutz John, shoema.ker. 15 Fish market
Lutz John, carpenter, 214 e Monument
Lutz John, cabinet maker, rear 34 n Liberty
Lutz Joseph, laborer, 79 Spring
Lutz Martin, carter, 45 Albernarle
Lutz Nicholas, venetian blind maker and painter,
116 n Front, dw 150
Lutz Peter, furniture & stove wareh. 101 Franklin
Lux Charles Wm. tavern, 123 Pennsylvania av
Lybecker John, confectioner, 252 s Bond
Lybrand Henry, wheelwright, 77 Hollins
Lybrand Margaret E. cupper & teacher, 77 Hollins
Lyburn Julia Ann, 2 Willow st
Lycett & Brother, book binders 211 Baltimore
Lycett Edward, sen. book binder. 32 n Greene
Lycett Edward L. firm L. & Bro. dw 307 w Fayette
Lycett W. C. firm L. & Bro. dw High near Pratt
Lyceum Baltimore, n e cor Baltimore and Charles,
Thomas A. McDonnell, manager
Lydon James, laborer, 296 Raborg
Lydon Nicholas, laborer, cor Poppleton & Ramsey
Lyeth Caroline. 267 Franklin
Lyeth John McF. marble and mantel cutter, 497
Lyeth Samuel, carpenter, Columbia w of Scott
Lyeth Samuel H. carter, near 129 s Eutaw
Lyford Mrs M. M. fashionable milliner and dress
maker, 236 Baltimore
Lyles Henry, ship smith, Lombard w Washington
Lylle John, millwright, Montgomery e William
Lynbure Henry, clothier, 123 Canton av
Lynch Catherine, s w cor State and Franklin
Lynch Daniel, blacksmith, Howard n Franklin, dw
188 n Eutaw
Lynch Daniel, tailor, 105 n Eutaw
Lynch Daniel, ash man, 85 s Spring
Lynch Dennis, omnibus driver, 63 North
Lynch Eleanora, Monument e of Caroline
Lynch Henry, ship carpenter, Canton av w Wash-
ington st
Lynch James, laborer, 4 Addison
Lynch John, laborer, 183 s Bond
Lynch John, watch and clock maker, s w cor State
and Franklin