LOVE JOSEPH K. boot and shoemaker, 182 wj
Pratt, dw 189 Lee.
LOVE, MARTIN & CO. produce and commis-
sion merchants, 5 Exchange place
Love Michael, huckster, 66 s Eutaw
Love Robert Horace, firm Love, Martin & Co. 132
Love Samuel O. printer, 1 Concord
Love Samuel Oscar, mariner, Livery al w Front st
Love Wm. B. grocer, 136 n Charles
Love Dr. Wm. S. 156 German
Love Wm. carpenter, 22 Comet
Loveday Charles T. tobacconist, 78 Aisquith
Lovegrove James, harbor master, dw 69 n High
LOVEGROVE THOMAS J. machinist and su-
perintendent Centrifugal works, Canton, dw 265e
Lovejoy Abbott, clerk, 43 e Lombard
LOVEJOY AMOS, importer hosiery, undershirts
and drawers, 123 Baltimore, dw 242 n Eutaw
Lovejoy Sam'l, hosiery, glove and trimmings deal-
er, 33 n Howard
Lovell & Smith, grocers, 295 w Pratt
Lovell Salomon, grocer, 116 s High
Lover John, blacksmith, 21 Garden
Lover Thomas, boiler maker, Alice Anna st. Canton
Low Capt. Cornelius, 31 s Exeter
Low Levi, hatter, 68 s Ann
Low Mary, 38 Pearl
Low Wm. shoemaker, 128 s Ann
Lowderclose Peter, laborer, 221 Wolf
Lowe Henry, apothecary. 107 w Fayette
Lowe Jesse M. Lexington Institute, cor Lexington
and Pine
Lowe Thomas, blacksmith, Abey al n of Cross st
Lowe Wm. shoemaker, 413 Lexington
Lowecamp Charles B. 56 Park
Lowekamp John H. tailor, 55 Park
LOWMAN, BROTHERS, importers foreign am
domestic fancy & staple dry goods, 195 Baltimore
Lowman Henry, tailor, Regester s of Lombard
Lowman Joel, firm L Broth rs Liberty nr German
Lowman Lawrence, firm L. Brothers, cor Sharp
and Pratt
Lowman Ure, 18 s Liberty
Lowman Wm. carter, w end Burgundy al
Lowndes A. J. druggist and apothecary, 182 Balti-
more, dw 8 s Exeter
Lownds Jas. cashier Chesapeake bank, 42 n Front
Lowrie Edward, fisher, 11 Washington, F. H.
Lowry Capt. Eastern ave of Washington st
Lowry Charles J. grocer, Baltimore e of Chester
Lowry Francis, flour dealer, 114 McElderry
Lowry George N. machinist, 101 Hollins
Lowry Hugh, drayman, 290 e Monument
Lowry James D. ship joiner, 104 s Caroline
Lowry John, ship carpenter, Regester s Alice Anna
Lowry John, dealer in market, York av nr Eager st
Lowry John, ship joiner, Pratt e of Wolf
Lowry Mrs. boarding house, 12 s Gay
Lowry Mary, tailoress. 44 n Exeter
Lowry Robert H. dw 87 Camden
Lowry Thomas, 237 Aisquith
Lowry Wm. L clerk, 3 s Broadway
Lowry Wm. laborer, 35 Booth
Lows John, confectioner, 311 s Charles
Lowther James, carpenter, 777 Baltimore
Lowther Wm. machinist, 64 n Fremont
Loyden John, laborer, Vine w of Schroeder
Loyola College. 29 Holliday, Rev. J. Eardley, pres.
Loganreher John F. mariner, 35 Thames
Lubausen Cl. A. draymnn, Tripolett's al
Lube Thomas, grocer, G3 Richmond
Luber John, tailor, Aisquith n of Eager
Lubry Samuel, tailor, 75 Potter
Lubuerg Charles E. blacksmith, 148 n Canal
Lucas Amos, cigar maker, 20 Brune
Lucas Amos, cigar maker, Harmony lane
Lucas Ann, tailoress, rear 403 Saratoga
Lucas Belinda, 81 n Caroline
Lucas Charles Z. attorney at law, 45 St. Paul
Lucas Edward B. shoemaker, 96 McElderry
Lucas Fielding, jr. bookseller, stationer and type
founder, 170 Baliimore, dw 53 Saratoga
Lucas Francis, butcher, Pennsylvania av eit
Lucas Frances, 256 w Fayette
Lucas Henry, type founder, Bank la. dw 43 St. Paul
Lucas Jacob, laborer, Regester s of Alice Anna
LUCAS JAMES, plain and ornamental printer,
19 s Calvert. dw W Exeter
Lucas James P. merchant, 179 s Washington
Lucas John W. paper hanger, dw 172 s Bond
Lucas John H. watchman, Regester n of Bank
Lucas Samuel, brewer, cor Hanover and Conway,
dw 99 Hanover
Lucas Thomas W. watchman, 25 Orleans
Lucas Wm. S. & John S. grocers, Harford av ext
Lucchesi Frederick, professor of music, 64 Holliday
Luck Edw. dry goods dealer, 102 n High
Luckett James H. firm Neal & L. dw 127 n Charles
Luckett Roger C. firm Clark, L. & Lee, dw 295 w
Ludder Julius, tailor, Caroline s of Bank
Ludekin John P. saddler, 449 Baltimore