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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 719   View pdf image (33K)
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in each district, the average air circulation at the last cut-
through and entry extension in such districts and the lowest
and highest air circulation observed at such points at each
examination, and such other information as the Bureau may
require, shall be made by the mine foreman to the district mine
inspector upon blanks to be provided by the Bureau.

SEC. 104. No person ordered by the mine foreman to leave
a mine because of ventilation difficulty shall re-enter until
given permission by such mine foreman; which permission,
if the mine be gaseous, shall not be given until the mine has
been thoroughly examined by the mine foreman or fire boss
and reported safe. The district mine inspector shall examine
all records of ventilation at every visit to such mine, and in-
spect the apparatus and all instrumentalities for conducting,
controlling or supplying ventilation, shall see to the enforce-
ment of each requirement of this Act or regulations thereunder
relating thereto, and keep a detailed record of each such in-
spection and his steps taken thereupon.

CHAPTER XV—Communications.

SEC. 105. Efficient means of communication and signalling
between the top and bottom of every shaft and slope and
to any other points deemed necessary by the Bureau shall be
provided and maintained, in a manner and by means directed
and approved by such Bureau.

SEC. 106. Uniform forms for signal and warning devices
and indicating signs shall be prepared by the Bureau and the
operator of every mine shall provide, distribute and employ
such numbers thereof as may be directed, convenient for use
at need to notify persons concerned of dangers not readily

SEC. 107. The following signal code, where applicable shall
be followed in all mines when signals are used:

ONE RING or WHISTLE: Hoist; if in motion, Stop.

TWO RINGS or WHISTLES: Lower Cage. If signaled
from top, Send Away Empty Cage.

THREE RINGS or WHISTLES: Men are Coming Up.
When engineer replies by one ring, persons get on cage and
ring once to hoist.

FOUR RINGS or WHISTLES: Hoist Slowly; implying


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 719   View pdf image (33K)
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