209e, 209f, 209g, 209h (as amended by Chapter 361 of the
Acts of 1910), 209i, 209j, 209k, 2091, 209m, 209n, 209o,
209p (as amended by Chapter 243 of the Acts of 1904), and
Section 209q down to and including sub-section F of said sec-
tion of Article 1 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Mary-
land, title ''Allegany County," sub-title "Mining and Mine In-
spector," and Sections 150, 151 (as amended by Chapter 410
of the Acts of 1916), 152, 153 (as amended by Chapter 410
of the Acts of 1916), 154, 155, 156, 167, 158, 159, 160, 161,
162, 163, 164, 164a, 164b, 164c, 164d, 164e, 164f, 164g (as
amended by Chapter 361 of the Acts of 1910), 164h, 164i,
164j, 164k, 1641, 164m, 164n, 164o ,(as amended by Chapter
243 of the Acts of 1904), and Section 164p down to and in-
cluding sub-section F of said section of Article 12 of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title ''Garrett County,"
sub-title ''Manufactures and Mines," are hereby repealed. Said
Sections 16 to 176 to read as follows:
SEC. 16. For the purposes of this Act, the terms and defini-
tions contained herein shall be held, construed and understood
as follows:
Approved: Unless the context requires a different sense, the
word "approved" means and refers to approbation evidenced
by a written certificate or official letter of the Bureau, ap-
proving a device, plan, formula, method, machine or course
of action.
Approved Equipment means equipment admitted by the
Bureau to its approved lists under Bureau regulations after
tests satisfying such Bureau that such equipment is safe and
is adapted to its intended use.
Authorized person means any person commissioned by an
official in charge in or at a mine to perform certain prescribed
duties under his authority.
Communication Device means any device employed to
transmit intelligence, instructions or warning to persons not
Crosscut means a passage driven to connect adjacent par-
allel entries or rooms. The term is synonymous with "cut-
through," and between rooms, when driven wide is synony-
mous with "break-through.''
Drift means a horizontal passage-way, or level, or gang-
way driven from the surface outcrop into the coal bed.