WHEREAS, In Garrett County, on account of the mountain-
ous nature of the country, many voters have to go great dis-
tances over bad roads in order to vote; and
WHEREAS, This condition imposes undue hardships in many
instances; and
WHEREAS, Relief should be afforded to such voters where-
ever possible; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 127 of Article 27 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland, title "Elections," sub-title "Miscellaneous Pro-
visions," as amended by Chapter 58 of the Acts of 1920; be
and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments, to
read as follows:
127. It shall be the duty of the Boards of Supervisors of
Elections of the several counties to examine the boundaries of
the several election districts and election precincts in their re-
spective counties, from time to time, and whenever in their
judgment and discretion it shall be expedient for the conveni-
ence of the voters, to sub-divide any of said election districts
or election precincts, or to sub-divide and change the boun-
daries of any two or more precincts in any election district
into three or more precincts, or to change the boundaries of
any two or more election precincts, they are hereby empowered
and authorized to make such sub-divisions and to establish the
boundaries of such sub-divisions in such way as to facilitate
and expedite the casting of their ballots by the voters thereof,
either by the designation of an entirely new and different
polling place or places, or by providing for two or more sepa-
rate polling places at or near the former polling place or
places; provided, however, that no election district shall be
sub-divided into two or more precincts that has not an excess
of four hundred voters; and no precinct or group of precincts
in any district shall be sub-divided unless one or more of said
precincts so intended to be divided, shall contain an excess of
four hundred voters; provided, however, that the Supervisors
of Elections of Garrett County are empowered and authorized,
whenever in their discretion and judgment it is expedient for
the convenience of the voters, to sub-divide any election pre-
cinct or district, or establish a new election district or precinct,
whether such election precinct or district has four hundred
voters or not: and whenever in the exercise of the discretion