members, a President of the Town Council, a town clerk, a
treasurer, a tax collector, a police magistrate, an attorney, a
weighmaster, a street commissioner, a police officer and such
other special policemen as the public welfare of said town may
require in any case of emergency, who shall severally perform
such duties and have such powers as may be prescribed by law
and the ordinances passed in pursuance to said charter of said
The Mayor and members of said Town Council shall be
elected for the period of two years from the second Monday
in March, 1922, and shall hold office from the first Monday in
April following, except those three who were elected in March,
1921, who shall continue in office until the month of April,
1923, or until their successors are elected and qualified.
The Mayor shall have the right to appoint the police magis-
trate, the attorney to the town and the police officer, by and
with the advice and consent of the Town Council, but the town
clerk, street commissioner, and the collector of taxes and weigh-
master shall be elected by the Town Council, and said ap~
pointees shall each hold their respective offices and enter upon
their duties from the first Monday of April of the year in
which they were so appointed, or until their successors are ap-
pointed and qualified, unless sooner removed for cause in the
discretion of the said Town Council.
170A. That the election of the Mayor and three members of
the Town Council shall be held in said town on the second Mon-
day of March, 1922, and shall hold office for the term of two
years from the date of their election and qualification; provided
that all of said officers as heretofore designated and appointed by
either the Mayor or Town Council shall hold their respective
offices for the term of one year, and any wilful neglect of duty
of said officers so appointed, inefficiency in the performance of
their duties or by death or resignation shall be sufficient cause
for removal, and in the event of any such removal, the Town
Council shall have power to appoint some competent person for
the unexpired term of such officer so removed, and said Town
Council shall have the right to remove such officer and appoint
his successor; and provided further, that it shall be competent
for the Mayor and Town Council to fix the compensation of
said officers so appointed, as provided in Section 168, during
their incumbency.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby
declared to be an emergency law and necessary for the immedi-