franchise or right. Every public service corporation, company
or individual, before it or they shall begin any underground
construction in any street, road, alley or public highway within
the town of Gaithersburg, shall file with the Mayor and Coun-
cil a plan of such construction showing the location and depth
in such street, road, alley or public highway of the proposed
main, conduit or pipe; which plans must be approved by the
Mayor and Council before such construction is begun; and
when approved no change shall be made in the physical location
of anything shown upon said plan except upon the approval of
the Mayor and Council. Whenever any such underground
main, conduit or pipe is put in without the filing of plans with
the Mayor and Council and the approval thereof, or when any
change is made in the physical location of such underground
main, conduit or pipe, as shown upon the plans approved by
the Mayor and Council, or any approved change therein, the
Mayor and Council, when such conduit, main or pipe interferes
with the construction or operation of its water and sewer sys-
tems, remove the same or change the location thereof at the cost
and expense of the party so putting them in, or its successors,
and without any liability upon the part, of the Mayor and Coun-
cil for damage that might be done to the same by reason of the
Mayor and Council's operations in constructing or maintaining
its systems. Any violations of the provisions of this section
shall be a misdemeanor punishable under Section 16 of this
SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That whenever it shall
be deemed necessary by the Mayor and Council to take or ac-
quire any land, structures or buildings, or any stream bed,
water way, water rights or water shed, either in fee or as an
easement, within or without the town of Gaithersburg, for the
construction, extension or maintenance of any water main,
sewer or appurtenance thereof, or for any sewage disposal
plant, reservoir, water purification plant, tank or pumping sta-
tion, the Mayor and Council may purchase the same from the
owners or failing to agree with the owner or owners thereof,
may condemn the same by proceedings in the Circuit Court of
Montgomery County, as now provided for condemnation of
land by public service corporations in the Code of Public
General Laws of Maryland, and Mayor and Council may like-
wise condemn the interest of any tenant, lessee or other person
having an interest in said land, structures or buildings, stream
bed, water way, water rights or water shed. At any time after
ten days after the return and recordation of the verdict or