and it shall not be turned on again until said bill shall have
been paid, together with such turn-on charge as the Mayor and
Council shall require. If any bill shall remain unpaid for
sixty days after being sent out by the Mayor and Council, it
shall be collectible against the owner of the property served,
in the same manner as other public debts are collectible in the
town of Gaithersburg.
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Council may enter upon any state or county highway for the
purpose of installing, maintaining and operating their water
and sewerage systems, and they may construct in such highway
a water main or sewer or any appurtenance thereof without the
receipt of a permit or the payment of a charge; provided that
whenever any state or county highway is to be disturbed the
public authority having control thereof shall be duly notified,
and provided further that said highway shall be repaired and
left by the Mayor and Council in the same or a not inferior
condition to that existing before being torn up, and that all
costs incident thereto shall be borne by the Mayor and Council.
SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That any employee or
agent of the Mayor and Council shall have the right of entry, at
all reasonable hours, upon any private premises and into any
building in the town of Gaithersburg, and outside of said town
if the premises or building is connected with the town's water
or sewerage system, while in the pursuit of his official duties,
and any restraint or hindrance offered to such entrance by any
owner or tenant or agent of said owner or tenant, shall be a
misdemeanor, punishable under Section 16 of this Act.
SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That all individuals,
firms and corporations having buildings, conduits, pipes, tracks
or other physical obstructions in, over or under the public
roads, streets or alleys of the town of Gaithersburg, or of those
portions of Montgomery County outside of said town, which
shall block or impede the progress of the town's water or sew-
erage system, while in process of construction, shall, upon rea-
sonable notice from the Mayor and Council, promptly so shift,
adjust, accommodate or remove the same, at their own cost and
expense as to fully meet the exigencies occasioning such notice;
and should the exigencies of any case involve the taking, in
the constitutional sense, of the franchise or right in the exer-
cise of which such construction had its origin, the Mayer and
Council shall be empowered to condemn an easement in said