SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the, General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 24 of Article 33 of Bagby's Annotated
Code of Maryland, Title "Elections" as amended by Chapter
247, Acts of 1918, be and the same is hereby repealed and re-
enacted with amendments so as to read as follows:
24. At the end of the last session above provided for, the
said Board of Registry shall compare and correct the two
registers and make them agree, and the officers having them
respectively in their custody shall then immediately under
the last name registered under each letter of the registers
sign their names, so that no other names can be added without
discovery; all of said officers of registration shall then sub-
scribe, at the end of each register, a certificate, in substance,
in the words following: "We, the undersigned, constituting
the Board of Registry in............ precinct or district of
............ county, or in......... precinct of the.........
ward of the city of............... in the State of Maryland,
do jointly and severally certify that, at the general registra-
tion of voters in said precinct, closed on this...... day of....
......... there were registered by us, in said precinct, the
names which in this book are entered, and that the number of
registered and qualified voters was and is the number of
(Signature. )
During the next day the Board of Registry shall return the
two registers to the Board of. Supervisors of Elections, and
in the counties the said Board of Registry shall, at the same
time, return the alphabetical list of names, party affiliation,
color and addresses of the persons registered and erased by
them, and in Baltimore City the Boards of Registry shall,
at the same time, return the lists made by them, at their last
session; and in the counties the said Boards of Supervisors
of Elections shall at once cause said alphabetical lists to be
printed in handbill form in long-primer type, and copies there-
of posted, within three days after the return of said lists, as
aforesaid, in such manner that they may be easily read, in
at least ten prominent places in the respective precincts.
The Board of Supervisors in the several counties
shall cause to be printed at least ten extra copies
of all the handbills prepared by them, respectively,
under this Article, and as many more copies as may be re-
quired to supply all demands for any of them made, with the