SEC. 22. And be it further enacted, That John May and
Joseph Herbet are hereby appointed Judges and Stephen E.
Pribula is hereby appointed Clerk of Election to be held on
the 12th day of June, 1922, for the purpose of ratifying or re-
jecting this Charter. Should said Charter be adopted at the
election held on the 12th day of June, 1922, then and in that
event, the above-named persons shall constitute the Board of
Election Supervisors, provided for in Section 7 of this Act, and
shall discharge the duties of said Board, as provided for by
Sections 7 and 8 of this Act, until such times as their successors
shall have been duly appointed and qualified. It shall be the
duty of the said John May, Joseph Herbert and Stephen E.
Pribula, or their successor or successors in office, to determine
the qualifications and rights of each voter to participate in the
special election provided for in Section 21 of this Act, by ask-
ing each applicant who presents him or herself to cast his bal-
lot at the election, which they have been appointed to conduct,
under oath, these questions: First, Have you resided within
the town of Brentwod for a period of one year previous to
this election? Second, Are you a qualified voter in the State
of Maryland or any other State in the United States ? Should
the answers of the applicant be in the affirmative to both
questions, then it shall be the duty of the said Board of Elec-
tion Supervisors to allow such applicant to cast his or her bal-
lot, and should the answer of the applicant be in the negative
to either of the above questions, then and in that event he or
she shall not be allowed to vote. Should the applicant answer
either one of the above provided questions falsely, he or she
shall be guilty of the crime of perjury and subject to the pen-
alties provided by the law of the State of Maryland.
SEC. 23. And be it further enacted, That George Castle is
hereby appointed Clerk of the town of Brentwood for the pur-
pose of providing a polling place, preparing ballots and at-
tending such other duties as shall be necessary to conduct the
election provided for in Section 21 of this Act, and in the
event that this Charter is adopted at the election held on the
12th day of June, 1922, provided for in Section 21 of this
Act, then in that event, the said George Castle shall continue
to act in the capacity above designated at the succeeding elec-
tion held for the purpose of electing the officers of said town,
and the said George Castle shall continue to act as Town Clerk
until his successor shall have been duly appointed and quali-
fied. Provided, further that in the event of the death, resis-