records of the town, shall be evidence of the passage and publi-
cation, respectively, of the ordinances. All ordinances shall be
in force from and after the date of their last publication as
herein provided.
SEC. 39A. And be it enacted, That the election or elections
hereinbefore provided for shall be subject to the provisions of
the Corrupt Practices Act of Maryland, as contained in the
Code of Public General Laws, in so far as the same have any
applicability to this Act.
SEC. 40. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Council
shall not expend, or contract to spend, in any one fiscal year,
more money than the amount receivable from taxes and other
sources of income during that year; provided:, that the Mayor
and Council may, and they are hereby authorized under the
restrictions hereinafter imposed, from time to time, to borrow
money for the use of the town, and to issue therefor the bonds,
notes or other obligations of the town to an amount not ex-
ceeding the principal sum of ten thousand dollars ($10, 000)
of outstanding indebtedness at any one time, the same to bear
such rate of interest and to be payable and renewable in such
manner as the Mayor and a majority of the Council shall
agree upon; provided, however, that the Mayor and Council
shall not have the power to issue any obligations whatever in
the name of the town unless and until the issuance of said
bonds, notes or other obligations shall have been first submitted
to a vote of the electors of the town, with a statement as to the
amount and purpose for which said money is to be borrowed,
and shall have received a favorable vote of a majority of the
vote cast, and such question may be submitted to the electors at
either a regular election or at a special election called for that
purpose by the Mayor and Council, in accordance with the
provisions hereinbefore recited for the holding of a general
election; and provided further, that the Mayor and Council
be and they are hereby authorized and required to create and
maintain a sinking fund for the repayment of any such loan or
loans made as aforesaid to the town.
SEC. 41. And be it enacted, That this Act shall not be
amended except on the favorable vote therefor of a majority
of the votes cast by the qualified electors at a general or
special election.
SEC. 42. And be it enacted, That this Act is hereby de-
clared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate