levy taxes on the assessable property in the Town of
Centreville for the purpose of paying said notes or any
part thereof that may be unpaid.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the said municipal corporation, the Town Commis-
sioners of Centreville, be and it is hereby authorized and em-
powered to purchase for the use of the town, as a municipal
building, and for the use of the Good will Fire Company of
Centreville, a lot, with the building thereon situate in the Town
of Centreville, on the North side of Water Street, and now
occupied by the Town Commissioners of Centreville as a tow. n
office, and by the Good Will Fire Company of Centreville, and
to acquire title to said property in the name of the Town
Commisisoners of Centreville, and for the purpose of paying
for said lot and building, the said municipal corporation, the
Town Commissioners of Centreville be and it is hereby author-
ized and empowered to borrow, upon the faith and credit of
of said municipal corporation, the sum of Five Thousand
Dollars ($5000. 00), or so much thereof as may be necessary,
and to execute the promissory notes of the said municipal cor-
poration, the Town Commissioners of Centreville for the amount
so borrowed. Said notes shall bear date the 15th day of August,
nineteen hundred and twenty-two, and shall be drawn in such
amounts and be payable at such times, not exceeding six months
from said date, as the said municipal corporation shall in its
discretion determine, but the total amount of the said promissory
notes shall not exceed the aforesaid sum of Five Thousand
Dollars ($5, 000. 00). And the said municipal corporation, the
Town Commissioners of Centreville, is hereby authorized and
empowered, for and during a period of not exceeding three
years from and after the said 15th day of August 1922, to renew
the said promissory notes as they mature from time to time, in
whole or in part, until all of said promissory notes and the inter-
est to accrue thereon have been fully paid, but no renewal note
shall be so drawn as to be payable more than six months from its
date. No renewal note shall be drawn so as to fall due after
the 15th day of August, 1925, and no renewal note shall be
given by said Municipal Corporation after the 15th day of
August, 1925.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That at the time of the annual
levy for taxes for 1922, 1923, 1924 and 1925, as required by
law to be made by the said municipal corporation, the Town Com-