citizens of said town, to assess and value all property located
within said corporate limits and shall pass all ordinances nec-
essary to prescribe the duties and powers of said assessors, and
the said Mayor and Commissioners shall have power to pass
such ordinances as they may deem proper for the assessment,
re-assessment, transfer and appeals from assessments or the said
Mayor and Commissioners may accept for said assessment pur-
poses the value placed upon the property within said town for
State and county taxation.
12. The said Mayor and Commissioners may pass such
ordinances, not contrary to law, as they may deem beneficial
and necessary for the good government of the Town; they shall
have power to remove nuisances or obstructions from the
streets, lanes and alleys, drains or water courses within the
said town or from or upon any lot or lots adjacent thereto, and
to provide for imposing a fine upon any person or persons caus-
ing or creating any such nuisances or obstructions and to en-
force such rules, penalties and regulations as they may think
necessary to preserve the public health and secure the inhabi-
tants from contagious, infectious or other diseases, to suppress
drunkenness, vice and immorality and punish all violations of
the public peace from whatever cause, and generally they shall
have the power to ordain and enforce all ordinances, rules and
regulations necessary for the peace, good order, health and
safety of the town and of the people and property therein, and
may impose such reasonable fines, forfeitures or imprison-
ments as to them may appear necessary for the violation of any
of the ordinances of said town. They shall have power to es-
tablish and regulate a station house or lock-up for confinement
of violators of the law and ordinances of said town. Upon
written petition signed by the majority in interest of the own-
ers of the majority of front feet of property abutting on any
street, lane and alley of a distance not less than a block the-
said Mayor and Commissioners shall have power to grade
and pave all of the streets, lanes, and alleys of said town,
which in their judgment the public convenience may re-
quire to be graded, curbed and paved, and apportion
the expense of said improvement among the owners of lots
fronting on said street or improved portion thereof, so that
one-third of such expense shall be borne by the owner or owners
of each abutting lot on each side of said street, and the re-
maining one-third of such expense shall be paid out of the gen-
eral corporate funds of said town; and all assessments made