WHEREAS, we could pay no finer tribute to those immortals
whose blood was spilled at the altar of liberty in 1776, in 1812,
and in 1918, than to restore Fort McHenry to its condition in
those early days of the Republic, with the ancient cannon
once more set, by removing unsightly buidings from its ground,
and by dedicating it as a National Park to the carrying out
of the ideals of Americanization, as we have done at Yorktown.
Be it resolved therefore, that we, the Senate of the State
of Maryland and the House of Delegates of the State of Mary-
land in joint session request the Congress of the United States
assembled at Washington to rescind any and all acts looking
to the abandonment of the Fort McHenry military reservation
by the United States Government or ceding it to any state or
city, and to declare in the name of the people of the United
States that this sacred ground shall be restored to its historical
condition and preserved, by the Government it saved in 1814.
as a National Park and a memorial to the patriots who proved
their right to liberty by the deeds which they performed in the
War of 1812.
Approved March 1st, 1922.
NO. 2.
ENPRESSING to the Republic of Mtexico the congratu-
lations of the State of Maryland upon the establishment
of an era of peace, prosperity and friendly relationship.
WHEREAS, there has long existed in our neighboring Republic
of Mexico an era of strife and revolution during which life,
liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness have at all
times been in jeopardy; and
WHEREAS, there has finally been elected to the Presidency
of our great sister republic a man who promises to be a real
up-builder of his country, General Alvaro Obregon; and
WHEREAS, an era of peace, prosperity and friendly relation-
ship has been brought about by his Excellency, President
Obregon; and
WHEREAS, it is fitting and appropriate that the State of
Maryland should join her sister states of Arizona, California,
Texas, Olkahoma, Michigan, Illinois, New mexico and Ken-