and conditions upon the location and maintenance of gas, elec-
tric light and waterworks, pipes, wires, poles and railroad
tracks as shall secure the least possible public or private in-
convenience, and they shall provide for the enforcement of
such restriction and conditions; to contract for periods not ex-
ceeding five years with the County Commissioners of Mont-
gomery or Prince George Counties, any municipal corpora-
tion, village or town improvements association, any person,
association or persons or corporations for supplying the said
town or the inhabitants thereof or for said town or its said
Council supplying such County Commissioners, municipality,
association, person, persons or corporation, with water, gas or
electricity, or for any other general municipal purpose or pur-
poses, and as to sewers or sewerage not exceeding ten years;
such contracts to be let only after thirty days' notice, calling
for bids for such purpose or purposes, has been given at least
three times during that period in some newspaper of general
circulation in the town, and the Council may, in their discre-
tion, reject any or all bids, and such contract or contracts shall
be awarded by ordinance; to license, for the purpose of regu-
lation and revenue, all and every kind of business transacted
or carried on in the town, to fix the rate of license upon the
same, and provide for the collection thereof by suit or other-
wise ; to license, regulate or prohibit any place of public amuse-
ment or recreation, pleasure parks, picnic grounds, club houses,
theatrical exhibitions, baseball grounds, bowling alley, billiard
or pool rooms, camp-meeting grounds or public assembly of
any kind; to establish markets and regulate the hours and lim-
its thereof and the mode of dealing in relation thereto; to con-
trol and protect the public grounds and property of the town,
and protect public buildings, churches and private buildings,
trees, fences and song birds from defacement or injury; to pro-
vide by ordinance for condemning, laying out, opening, ex-
tending and making new streets or alleys, and for altering,
straightening, widening, grading,'improving or closing up, in
whole or in part, any existing street or alley, and for laying out
public squares, parks, drains, sewers or water courses; to estab-
lish and regulate a station-house or lock-up for the temporary
confinement of violators of the law and ordinances of the
town; to levy a tax and impose a license upon dogs or other
animals or fowls running at large; to regulate and control all
offensive trades, manufacturers and traffic in offensive fertil-
izers or other commodities, and prohibit hog-pens and slaughter
houses within the town limits; to control by ordinance the mode