poses the said bailiff and policemen are hereby vested with
the same power and authority as constables of the said Alle-
gany County now have under the laws of this State. The said
clerk shall five bond to the Mayor and Commissioners of Luke
in the sum of five thousand dollars for the faithful perform-
ance of his duty and the proper accounting for all of the funds
which might come into his hands.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said Mayor and
Commissioners may pass such ordinances, not contrary to law,
as they may deem beneficial and necessary for the good govern-
ment of the town; they shall have power to remove nuisances
or obstructions from the streets, lanes and alleys, drains or
water courses within the said town or from or upon any lot
or lots adjacent thereto, and to provide for imposing a fine
upon any person or persons causing or creating any such
nuisances or obstructions and to enforce such rules, penalties
and regulations as they may think necessary to preserve the
public health and secure the inhabitants from contagious, in-
fectious or other diseases; to suppress drunkenness, vice, im-
morality and punish all violations of the public peace from
whatever cause, and in general they shall have power to or-
dain and enforce all ordinances, rules and regulations neces-
sary for the peace, good order, health and safety of the town
and of the people and property therein, and may impose such
reasonable fines, forfeitures or imprisonments as to them may
appear necessary for the violation of any of the ordinances of
said town; they shall have power to establish and regulate a
station-house or lock-up for the confinement of violators of the
]aw and ordinances of said town; they shall have power to
make reasonable regulations in regards to buildings to be
erected in said town and to grant building permits for the
same; to make and establish grades on the streets and high-
ways of the town; but the powers and authority herein granted
shall however be limited and restricted to police power only
over the bridge connecting the town of Luke with the town of
Piedmont, West Virginia, and the ownership and duty of re-
pair and maintenance of same shall remain as heretofore; to
cause the sidewalks and gutters along the public streets and
highways of said town to be graded, paved or repaired at the
coat and expense of the abutting property or the owner thereof
and to collect from said abutting property or owner thereof
the cost of making said improvements thereto, when made by
the Mayor and Commissioners of Luke, after refusal or neg-