and changed as to take from said Precinct No. 2, the names of
all duly registered voters living within the precinct hereby
created, and to have new poll books made for the said voters,
and to appoint clerks and judges and polling places in said new
precinct, and to do all things necessary and requisite to have
elections held in said Precinct No. 4 as are required under the
General Laws of the State of Maryland.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1922.
Approved March 21st, 1922.
AN ACT to incorporate the town of Luke, in Allegany County,
Maryland, and to fix the town limits thereof, define the per-
sons qualified to vote therein, to provide for and regulate
the election and appointment of officers therefor and the
terms and qualifications of such officers, to define the method
of government thereof and to define the corporate powers.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, in regular session assembled, That the citizens residing
within the area more particularly hereinafter denned, be and
they are hereby made a body corporate, by the name and style
of the Mayor and Commissioners of Luke, and by that name
may have perpetual succession, sue and be sued, have and use
a common seal and exercise all of the privileges of a body
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the corporate limits
of said town shall be as follows:
Beginning for the same at a concrete monument standing on
the third line of a tract of land called "Taken Up Thrice, "
it being also on the west side of the Western Maryland Rail-
road, 33 feet distant from the center line thereof, and about
400 feet northeast of the tipple at Devon Mine No. 2, and run-
ning thence reversing the lines of the said tract. "Taken Up
Thrice. " (1) north 57 degrees, 52 minutes west 1, 077. 7 feet
to a concrete monument, (2) south 55 degrees, 33 minutes
west 803 feet to a concrete monument, (3) north 45 degrees,
00 minutes west 662. 5 feet to a planted stone No. 3, standing
at the beginning of said tract, "Taken I "p Thrice"; thence