mediate commanding officer to the effect that he has performed
the duties required of him for the year immediately preceding
the summons to act as juryman, and every such member who
shall have received a full and honorable discharge shall be ex-
empt for the three years next succeeding his discharge, from all
jury duty. Every regiment or separate organization of the
Organized Militia of this State may receive and have as many
honorary members as it has active and uniformed members, on
payment in advance by each person desiring to become such
honorary member, of not less than ten dollars per annum, which
money shall be received by the commanding officer of the regi-
ment or separate organization, and be by him applied to a
special fund of such organization and expended by the com-
manding officer for the best interests of his organization, and
the commanding officer of every regiment and separate organ-
ization, shall, on or before the first day of June and December
in each and every year, render to the Ranking Line Officer an
account of the money so received and expended by him, and
every such honorary member shall be entitled to receive a cer-
tificate of honorary membership of the said regiment or sepa-
rate organization, to be signed by the commanding officer there-
of, or some officer designated by him for that purpose, and bear-
ing the date of its issue, which certificate shall sxempt the said
honorary member from petit jury duty for one year from the
date of the issue of the said certificate, providing the same be
filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City
or the Clerk of the Circuit Court of any county before the
drawing of the jury.
49. Any member of the Organized Militia of this State,
going to and returning from any parade, encampment, drill or
other meeting which he may be! required by law to attend, shall,
together with his conveyance and military property, be allowed
to pass through all toll gates, and over all toll roads, bridges
and ferries, free of charge, if he presents an order for duty or
certificate of membership.
50. The commanding1 officer upon any occasion of dnty. may
place in arrest during the continuance thereof, any persons who
shall trespass upon any camp ground, parade ground, armory
or other place devoted to such duty, or who shall in any way
or manner interrupt or molest the orderly discharge of duty by
those under arms, or who shall disturb or prevent the passage
of troops going to or returning from any duty: he may prohibit
and prevent the sale or use of all spirituous liquors, wines, ale