24. Each company, troop, battery, detachment and unit in
the organized militia shall assemble for drill and instruction,
including indoor target practice, not less than forty-eight times
each year, and shall, in addition thereto, participate in encamp-
ments, maneuvers or other exercises, including outdoor target
practice, at least fifteen days in training each year, unless such
company, troop, battery, detachment and unit shall have been
excused from participation in any part thereof by the Gov-
ernor ; provided that credit for an assembly for drill or for in-
door target practice shall not be given unless the number of
officers and enlisted men present for duty at such assembly
shall equal or exceed a minimum to be prescribed by the Gov-
ernor, nor unless the period of actual military duty and in-
struction participated in by each officer and enlisted man at
each such assembly at which he shall be credited as having
been present shall be of at least one and onei-half hours' duration
and the character of training such as may be prescribed by the
25. Officers and enlisted men may be warned for duty as
follows: Either by stating the substance of the order or by
reading the order to the person warned, or by leaving a copy
of such order at the last knowTi place of abode or business, or
by mailing to the postoffice nearest thereto. Such warning
may be given by an officer or non-commissioned officer. The
officer or non-commissioned officer giving such notice or warn-
ing shall, if required make a return thereof containing the
name of the person warned and the time, place and manner of
warning, if required by the officer issuing the order; such re-
turn may be verified by his oath, which may be administered
by any officer. Such verified returns shall be good evidence
on the trial of any person returned as a delinquent, of the facts
therein stated, as if such officer or non-commissioned officer
had testified to the same before a military court on such trial.
26. All arms, equipment and other property furnished to
organizations of this State shall, when required by the Ranking
Line Officer, or a commanding officer of any such organiza-
tions be deposited in the armory of the said organization, and
failure to deposit as aforesaid any article of such property by
the person to whom it was issued, ten days after he shall have
been notified, by written -notice from the commanding officer
as aforesaid, to return to the armory, shall be considered as a
misdemeanor, and the person so off ending shall be punished by