Xo man above the age of forty-five shall be re-enlisted, ex-
cept by permission of the Governor, and upon the recommen-
dation of his immediate commanding officer.
It shall be unlawful for any person to misstate his age for
the purpose of securing enlistment in the organized militia of
this State: It shall be unlawful for any person to enlist in two
military organizations at the same time. Any person violating
the provisions of this section shall be guilty of fraudulent 'en-
•2 -2. Men enlisting in the organized militia shall take and
subscribe to the following oath of enlistment:
"I do herebv acknowledge to have voluntarilv enlisted this
*• e • «/
........ day of.................. 19..., as a soldier in the
National Guard of the United States and of the State of
Maryland,'for the period of three (or one) year.............
under the conditions prescribed by law, unless sooner dis-
charged by proper authority. And I do solemnly swear that
I will bear true faith and allegiance to the LTnited States of
America and to the State of Maryland, and that I will serve
them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies whom-
soever, and that T will obey the orders of the President of the
L'nited States and of the Governor of the State of Marvland,
*, /
and of the officers appointed over me according to law and the
rules and Articles of War."
All officers of the organized militia of this State shall be
empowered to administer oaths of enlistment.
23. Organization commanders may cause those under their
command to perform any military duty, and shall be respon-
sible to the Governor for the general efficiency of the units of
the organized militia under their commands. Commanding
officers of units shall be responsible to their immediate com-
manders for the equipment, drill, instruction, movements and
efficiency of their respective commands. All officers and en-
listed men shall be responsible to their immediate command-
ing officers for prompt and unhesitating obedience, proper
drill and the preservation and proper use of the property of
State and of the United States, or organization, in their pos-
session. ITnits of the organized militia will be inspected by
officers detailed for that duty, whenever in the judgment of
the Governor it is deemed advisable and in addition inspec-
tions by officers of the Regular Army will be made as pre-
scribed bv the Xational Defense Act.