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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1069   View pdf image (33K)
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and testament, recorded among the Will Records of Somerset
County, in Liber Wills Ko. 32, folio 194.

(80) To the devises and bequests contained in the last will
and testament of Edmund F. Smith, late of Carroll County,
Maryland, deceased, to St. Joseph's Parochial School, Taney-
town, Maryland, and to the Superior Sister of the Home of
Destitute Catholic Children, 788 Harrison Avenue, Boston,
Mass., of the sum of two hundred dollars each.

(81 j To the bequest to the Vestry of the Protestant Epis-
copal Church of the Ascension of Baltimore, Maryland, of
two-thirds interest in remainder after the dea^h of Charlotte
Biscoe in $16,000 fund under the will of Emily Smallwood,
deceased, recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of Bal-
timore City, in Wills Liber H. W. J. STo. 128, folio 465.

(82) To the gift in remainder of $2,500 to the Faith Pres-
byterian Church of the City of Baltimore under the will of
Sarah E. Thomas, deceased, recorded in the office of the Reg-
ister of Wills of Baltimore City in Wills Liber B. E. S. No.
102, folio 110.

(83) To the gift of the Rector of Roman Catholic Cathedral
Church of Baltimore of one hundred dollars for masses for
testatrix and fifty dollars to be applied for aid of Sanctuary
Society of Cathedral, under the will of Bridget McGinity, de-
ceased, recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of Balti-
more City in Liber H. W. J. No. 136, folio 423.

(84) The following bequests under the first item of the will
of George M. Riley, deceased, recorded in the office of the Reg-
ister of Wills of Baltimore County in Wills Liber W. J. P.
~Xo. 21, folio 1, «S:c.

(a) $200 to St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys of the
City of Baltimore.

(b) $200 to the House of Good Shepherd of City of Balti-

(e) $200 to the House of Good Shepherd for Colored Girls
of the City of Baltimore.

(d) $200 to the Sisters of Bon Secours for the care of Sick
of Baltimore City.

(V) $200 to St. Martin's L>ay Nursery of Baltimore City.

(f) $200 to St. Vincent's Infant Asylum of the City of Bal-


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 1069   View pdf image (33K)
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