ditional for piggery, garage, root cellar, slaughter house and
cold storage and lighting grounds; total $243,000.
To Rosewood State Training School, for equipment for new
Infirmary, $10,000; for additional water supply and sewage
disposal plant, $15,000; total, $25,000; all from issue of Au-
gust 15, 1922.
To Maryland School for the Deaf, for new heating appa-
ratus, cold water piping, underground storage tanks and pluml>-
ing fixtures, $25,000; for new power plant, $21,500; total,
$46,500; all from the issue of August 15, 1922.
To Maryland Training School for Boys, from the issue of
August 15, 1922, for land necessary for water rights, $1200;
for new frame farmhouse, $3500; for water supply system,
$10,00.0; and from the issue of February 15, 1923, for con-
struction of defective delinquent cottage and equipment, $50,-
000; total, $64,700.
To Maryland Industrial Training School for Girls, new cot-
tage and equipment, $17,000; new road, $8000; total, $25,-
000; all from the issue of August 15, 1922.
To State Board of Prison Control, for Maryland Peniten-
tiary, remodelling "G" Dormitory, $25,000; printing presses
and equipment, $42,000; shoeshop equipment, $6000; auto-
mobile tag and sign plant and equipment, $52,000; total,
$125,000; of which $105,000 shall be from the issue of Au-
gust 15, 1922, and $20,000 from the issue of February 15,
To Maryland Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission, from
the issue of August 15, 1922, for construction of Colored Tu-
berculosis Sanatorium and equipment, $100,000.
To University of Maryland, for Gymnasium, Armory, As-
sembly Hall, Recreation Center and Athletic Grounds, $142,-
000; for Animal Husbandry Farm, including1 land and dairy
laboratory manufacture, $71,300, and for no other purpose
shall this sum be used, any provision of any other law to the
contrary notwithstanding; for lighting grounds and fixing
roads. $4200; for water and sewer connections. $5,500; for
equipment for Xurses' Home at University Hospital, $15,000:
for installation of refrigerating1 plant and equipment for Uni-
versity Hospital, $10,000; for equipment of School of Den-
tistry, $3150: for equipment for School of Pharmacy, $3150:
total $254,300; of which $103,800 shall be from the issue of
August 15, 1922, $150,500 from the issue of February 15,